Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2181 just wait for us to pick it up

Feng Wei heaved a sigh of relief when she heard her father's words, but fortunately, she finally locked the location of the star field.

"I'm not in a hurry, as long as you can find me, Dad."

She continued: "Originally, I wanted to build an interstellar spaceship by myself, but this life star is too low-level, and I can find materials for making it, so it may not be able to withstand the space jump."

"You don't need to make it, just obediently wait for us to pick it up on that life star."

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant male voice sounded, and then a handsome young man who resembled Feng Wei appeared in the virtual projection.

Feng Wei looked at the handsome guy who appeared, his eyes burst into joy, "Brother, you are back."

From childhood to adulthood, she and her brother have lived together the longest and are also the closest.

Although her elder brother was only less than an hour older than her, he cared and pampered her since she was a child, and they had a very good relationship.

Feng Zhan's temperament is more like Yunjing, both of which belong to the cool and cold flower of Gaoling type.

But after seeing Feng Wei, his indifference and alienation disappeared, and his eyes were full of smiles, "Yeah, I rushed back as soon as I heard my mother said that I was in touch with you."

He went out to find Feng Wei before, but it was quite far away, so it was delayed for a while when he came back.

"Brother is the best." Feng Wei smiled coquettishly.

"Miss us?" Feng Zhan himself was very worried and missed his sister.

Although they often separated after they grew up, they basically maintained a frequency of at least three video calls a week. It's been a long time since they have seen each other.

Feng Wei nodded fiercely: "I want to, and I really want to."

"We will pick you up as soon as possible." Feng Zhan said.

Feng Yan looked at his son helplessly, "You brat grabs everything I want to say."

Then he looked at Feng Wei dotingly and said: "Wei Wei, Dad must locate you as soon as possible, and then he and your mother will pick you up."

Xia Ruo laughed, and the father and son also preempted what she wanted to say, so they said: "Protect yourself before we come."

Feng Wei nodded again: "Yeah."

Because the energy of the energy stone is limited, and she has to continue to link to let her father locate it accurately, so the video call is hung up first.

When Feng Wei thought that her parents and elder brother would come to pick her up soon, she felt very happy.

At the same time, I also sent a message to my father, asking him to bring some propellers before departure.

As soon as Feng Yan saw the news, he knew his daughter's plan. He and Xia Ruo guessed that her daughter should have made good friends and feelings in this life star, otherwise she would not have such a request.

For Feng Yan, who is a slave to his wife and controlled by his daughter, of course he has to satisfy his precious daughter's request, so he contacted him in advance to buy the latest thrusters, so he couldn't disappoint his daughter no matter what.

There are a lot of people signing up for the Anti-Mafia League team here in City of Hope, not only those with supernatural powers, but also many ordinary people.

Xi Ye didn't ask for all of them, but selected a third of them to be included in the team.

Although Feng Wei said that anyone who signed up can participate, but this is an attack, and the most important thing is to have good soldiers, not many, and going too much will drag them down, so he streamlined himself.

And after being simplified by him, there are still more than 300 people. These people are either powerful supernatural beings, or they have different abilities.

Although those who lost the election were a little disappointed, they could understand it.

After getting the list, Feng Wei didn't say much, but asked Xi Ye to arrange their families.

Because of the request of allies, Feng Wei also asked Xi Ye to prepare a large amount of supplies and weapons.

She put it in the space and waited for the confluence, and sold it to them according to the agreement, which would be more conducive to everyone's attack on the dark organization.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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