Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2196 something is wrong

The ice picks that penetrated An Qi's body instantly turned into water, dripping on the ground where he was standing.

However, his face was even paler, and his breath became a little more sluggish. It was obvious that although he was not dead, the damage was not small.

An Qi has great wisdom, he forcibly suppressed the hostility that wanted to destroy the world.

"Very well, you are still the first person who can hurt me."

He looked at Feng Wei and curled his lips evilly, "It's kind of interesting, it looks like it won't be so boring afterward."

Then his figure started to gradually blur, and a crack appeared behind him, sucking him in.

Only the last words he said were left, "I'm waiting for you at the Dark Base, welcome to be your guest!"

After he disappeared, the crack automatically healed and returned to normal.

The cold energy in the room also disappeared together, Zhuang Yi and others felt more comfortable and relaxed.

"This zombie king is so strong." Someone couldn't help but sigh.

Zong Ze said: "The Zombie King is very strong, but isn't there still our big beauty? What are you afraid of?"

When he said this, everyone completely came out of the previous fear and despair.

That's right, the seventh-level zombie king was beaten away by Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang, and they had nothing to be afraid of.

"That's right, we still have City Lord Feng and Young Master Huo, this zombie king is nothing to worry about."

"No matter how powerful he is, he will run away when he meets the city lord."

Everyone praised Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang one after another.

Feng Wei felt something was wrong, "His strength is a bit wrong, I think he should be stronger than this."

Huo Xiaoliang said: "I feel it too, is he hiding his strength? But it doesn't look like it."

"If that's the case, there should be some big secret in the dark organization. After he came out, he didn't show all his strength." Feng Wei was not as optimistic as Zong Ze and the others.

Of course not pessimistic.

Huo Xiaoliang nodded in agreement: "It's very possible."

The two of them didn't avoid other people when they spoke, but also wanted them not to take it lightly. This zombie king will definitely not be a good person.

When the others heard it, their faces changed.

Feng Wei walked over to dispel the energy of the protective talisman, and they walked out from inside.

Not to mention that after walking out, they all felt a little weak in their legs.

Fortunately, Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang arrived in time, otherwise they would have been killed immediately by the zombie king's mental power and turned into mummified corpses.

Ding Yue's complexion was not very good, and he came over with a smile and said to the two of them, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise we would all be finished."

The zombie king underestimated the strength of Feng Wei and Huo Xiao, and they underestimated the strength of the dark organization.

Feng Wei smiled: "We are allies in the first place, and we should save everyone."

Ding Yue sighed heavily, "Hey, I didn't expect that the Zombie King would be my adjutant. I didn't find out after so many days. It was really a mistake."

"I can't blame you for this. After all, he was originally An Qi, and his body looks the same as a normal person, and he can speak normally. No one thought of this." Huo Xiaoliang said in relief.

"Yeah, who would think of normal people." Ding Yue was still a little scared when he mentioned it.

He suddenly thought of a question, "When we were discussing the countermeasures against the dark organization, he was there the whole time, which means that he knew about it. Should we change the battle plan again?"

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