Two of them landed on Huo Xiaoliang's front and back, and they attacked together, trying to sneak attack and kill him.

However, Huo Xiaoliang's reaction was quick, and he turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, making the plan of the two zombies' sneak attack fail.

Even at the same time, two thunderbolts fell, hitting two zombies.

Everyone saw the two zombies who attacked him, except for their black nails, they looked like normal people.

The other one rushed directly into the formation, attacking Feng Wei without hesitation.

The aura they emitted was so strong that the second and third level power users wanted to kneel, and the fourth and fifth level power users also felt deeply suppressed.

"A level-six zombie, this is a level-six zombie." A level-five executive with a base couldn't help shouting.

"Oh my god, three of them appeared at once." Everyone was shocked.

Leaving aside the Yinhun sect on their human side, only Huo Xiaoliang, a sixth-level supernatural being, appeared, but there were three sixth-level abilities on the zombie side, which was a bit scary.

When the level 6 zombie was approaching, Feng Wei attacked him with his mental power.

The zombie was originally flying in mid-air, but after being attacked by mental power, there was a brief blank in his mind, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

With the appearance of the sixth-level zombies, more fourth-level zombies, zombie rats, and zombie insects swarmed up, basically all of them possessed supernatural powers.

Zhuang Yi saw that his eyes lit up, "Good job, leave these to me."

He just threw a blood bag, and he hasn't used a sharp weapon yet.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." An extra vine grew from Feng Wei's waist, leading her to fly towards the sixth-level zombie that got up again.

Zhuang Yi also rushed into the last wave of advanced zombies, and then used a new type of energy gun.

The abilities launched by these zombies came in a swarm. They were first enveloped by the energy released by the energy gun, and then all bounced back. The effect was not so good.

Then these zombies were all hit by their own supernatural energy, and were either killed or injured.

Zong Ze and the others refilled the wounded zombies or made them fall down.

Soon, there were only those three level 6 zombies left in the square.

Bu Xu threw the flag to Feng Wei.

Feng Wei caught the flag, then activated the energy of the formation to trap the level 6 zombies, and continued to attack.

Energy blades appeared from all directions, continuously flying towards the zombies, and Feng Wei would attack with mental power from time to time, making him scream and go crazy.

"Damn woman, I'm going to kill you." The sixth-level zombie became irritable, and he felt that he was going to be played crazy.

If this woman didn't face him head-on, she would use all kinds of means to trap and attack him, so that he couldn't show his strength.

Feng Wei narrowed his eyes, "Sure enough, zombies of level six can speak."

She did it on purpose before, wanting to see what abilities these level 6 zombies had and whether they could speak normally.

Now it has been tested, not only the zombie king has the ability to speak, but also level 6 zombies.

"I won't play with you now." Feng Wei suddenly erupted with a very powerful mental power.

That level 6 zombie felt inexplicably dangerous, but because Feng Wei was level 5, he still chose to release it with the strongest ability to resist her mental attack.

When the strongest wind blade he condensed reached Feng Wei, she took out her energy gun and fired.

Feng Ren turned around and went towards the sixth-level zombie. He was startled with his eyes widened. He was about to dodge when the mental power attack suddenly fell, making him feel as if his mental power was about to be pulled away.

Also in this gap, the wind blade directly cut off his head.

Feng Wei didn't give him a chance to fight back, a vine on the ground quickly passed through his head, and pulled out a bright crystal nucleus.

Seeing this scene, everyone upstairs was stunned.

Feng Wei easily killed a level 6 zombie right under their noses, that's amazing!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ The system has a problem again, and the last chapter has been going around in circles but it can't be posted, hey~

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