Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2203 How come again?

Feng Wei shouted, and everyone quickly regained their minds.

"Yes, we are here for the zombie crystal nucleus."

"Ah, beautiful woman Feng is so handsome, my goddess."

"I actually had the opportunity to dig crystal nuclei in the pile of zombies. This experience is so sour."

"You can give us this opportunity."

"Go, go, this is given by the beautiful woman Feng, my goddess."

A group of people rushed downstairs immediately, and then fought hard to dig the crystal nucleus in the square.

It was too chaotic before, and no one paid attention to who contributed more and who contributed less. With so many crystal nuclei, Feng Wei and other high-level officials did not propose that everyone dig it up and hand it over.

Whoever digs it will be his, it depends on who is fast and lucky.

Obviously, everyone has gone through a life and death together, and they have no objection to this distribution method, and none of them are disgusting, and they are very hilarious.

Before life and death were at stake, everyone thought they were going to die, but they still stood firm on the front line, let them dig the crystal core to have fun now.

The senior management gathered around Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang.

Ding Yue smiled and said, "It's really thanks to you this time, otherwise this small town might be completely lost."

Other senior executives also spoke.

"Yeah, if it weren't for you, not only us would be killed by the zombie king, but everyone else would also be eaten by the zombies."

"Fengcheng Lord is mighty, I ask you and Huo Shaoduo to take care of you next."

"The following battle plan, City Lord Feng and Huo Shao will also lead us."

Now everyone can see that if you want to deal with the dark organization, you still have to rely on City of Hope.

This is something no one expected. Under the leadership of Feng Wei, City of Hope has developed so fast that before people realize it, they are standing at a height that is difficult for other bases to reach.

Feng Wei roughly understood what they meant, and said with a smile: "We are all members of the Anti-Mafia League, and we should take care of each other."

She changed the topic and said, "But the previous strategy may have to be readjusted."

"If the base of the dark organization is the base camp of zombies, besides the zombie king, level 7, there will definitely be no less zombies of level 5 and level 6. Otherwise, three level 6 zombies will not be sent here as cannon fodder."

The high-level executives who were still a little excited were suddenly calmed down by the basin of cold water.

That's right, now there is an extra level 6 Feng Wei on their side, but there may be many level 6 on Diablo's side.

The Zombie King is level seven, which is a huge disparity in strength.

Don't talk about level five and level six, except for Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang, it is impossible for anyone else to do it.

Even a level 5 group attacking a level 6 zombie may not be able to overthrow it. After all, at this level, the gap between speed, agility and abilities has been widened a lot.

A high-level executive at the base couldn't help asking: "Should we go back and adjust and strengthen our strength first, and then attack the dark organization base."

They really don't have a clue right now.

There are many other people who think in this way. If it doesn't work, they will rest for a while before coming back.

Huo Xiaoliang said: "Let's go back and adjust and strengthen our strength. Will the zombies in the dark base stagnate?"

"The further you get to the back, the higher the level of the ability, the more difficult it is to bring down the dark organization."

Ding Yue also agreed and said: "Yes, the key to fighting is the momentum. If we retreat, not only will the people in the major bases around the world panic, but it will also be easy for the dark organization to publicize that we are not good enough."

"The morale will be wiped out by then, so how can we do it again?"

Continue at 22 o'clock~

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