Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2206 I'll wait for you

The fact that the spies were found out also means that everyone here is trustworthy.

Ding Yue looked at Feng Wei with a smile and said, "City Master Feng, what plan did you say earlier?"

Feng Wei nodded and said, "Let me tell you now, so you can make arrangements."

"This time I left to go to Xianshan to look for the Giant Insect King, not only for the purpose of going out, but also as a cover."

"You have all the bases to check carefully, find out the people who are suspected to be level 6 zombies, and then I will go and check it myself."

"If these suspected people are really level 6 zombies in disguise, I will erase them all."

"Otherwise, even if we wipe out the dark organization, the major bases around the world may turn into strongholds of zombies instead."

The corpse poison of the sixth-level zombies is not so powerful. As long as they bite some people at random in the base, these people will immediately turn into zombies, and then persecute the normal people in the base.

It won't be long before all the people in the major bases will turn into zombies. This is the worst news.

When the people present heard what she said, they also thought of the consequences, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

It would be really scary if something like this happened.

"Is this the zombie king's plan? Want to destroy the world?" Ding Yue asked with a frown.

Feng Wei said: "It is very possible that his purpose should be to turn all normal people and creatures in the world into zombies and unify the planet."

"We will immediately arrange people to investigate." Now they must cooperate with Feng Wei to the fullest.

Feng Wei nodded: "I will go out of Xianshan first. If you find out the news, send me a text message, and send me the photos of the suspicious person. I will deal with it secretly."

"Don't mention this matter to anyone else. If it gets out, I'm afraid that the Zombie King will make the sixth-level zombies lurking in the major bases act earlier." She added.

"Okay, we will rot this matter in our stomachs." The senior executives present promised one after another.

There are relatives, friends and subordinates in their base, and they simply cannot accept the fact that they will become zombies, so they will definitely keep it secret and cooperate.

"The plan to attack the dark base will be re-formulated when I come back, and it mainly depends on whether the giant insect king will come to help." Feng Wei said again.

If the giant insect king came to help, their plan would be much easier.

"Okay, you have to be careful all the way out!" Everyone is still very concerned about Feng Wei's safety.

After the talk, Feng Wei left the conference room with the others.

He also announced without concealment that he would go out to Xianshan alone to find the Giant Insect King to help him attack the Dark Base.

The people in the small town were both excited and worried, and they all sent her to the gate of the small town unanimously.

"Beautiful Feng, you must return safely!"

"City Master Feng, we will wait for your return."

Zhuang Yi and the others stood at the door, and they only expressed one meaning, "Beauty Feng, we will wait for you to come back."

Feng Wei walked over and hugged them in friendship, "Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

Finally hugged Huo Xiaoliang.

Feng Wei reached out and patted his back, "I'll leave the small town to you."

"Okay!" Huo Xiaoliang held her hand tightly, "Be careful, I'll wait for you."

Feng Wei let him go, raised his hand and shook everyone, turned around and took out the modified off-road vehicle from the space, got in the car and left the small town.

Huo Xiaoliang led everyone to close all the entrances of the small town, leaving only one to enter the city, so as to resist and defend the city.

The state is not very good, and the rest will continue around 10:40~~

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