Both of them showed joy when they saw Feng Wei.

Especially the Giant Insect King, staring at Feng Wei with two big eyes, turned around twice around her, roaring non-stop.

The translation is, "Why are you coming to see me now?"

Feng Wei raised his hand to touch its smooth and white worm shell, "I encountered difficulties, so I came late."

Now the two big cats and Feng Wei can completely communicate with each other with mental power.

The Giant Insect King tilted his head, "Have you encountered a difficult situation? Haven't you been bullied?"

Feng Wei thought that this big bug was really good, so he made a pitiful look, "Yes, I was bullied."

The giant worm king suddenly became unhappy, "Who bullied you! You bring it here, and I will teach him a lesson for you."

In his eyes, Feng Wei is his feeding officer, who is covered by him.

Feng Wei sighed, "There are so many people who bully me, I can't bring them here, they won't come."

"I reported your name before, but the zombie king didn't pay attention to you at all."

"I also said that you are a bedbug who dare not leave the fairy mountain. When they come in the future, that is, when you are imprisoned, they will arrest you and enslave you to death." She said flickeringly.

But this is also a fact. It is absolutely impossible for the people of the Yinhun sect to give up on the big bug, and they may collude with the zombie king to come over one day.

The giant bug king became even more angry, those ugly zombies dared to call it a bedbug, they were looking for death.

"I'm going to kill them," he said.

Feng Wei looked at it carefully and sighed, "I think you may not be able to do it."

"How is it possible, this king is the strongest right now." The Giant Insect King released a special ability before, and found out that he has the highest level on this life star.

Feng Wei pouted, "It's a pity that people don't look down on you at all."

The giant insect king swept away angrily, sweeping away the surrounding trees, "This king wants to spray him to death."

Feng Wei looked at it suspiciously and asked, "Really? Can you spray to death?"

Before he fell asleep, the Giant Insect King hadn't yet entered a mature body, so his spiritual intelligence was not low but his IQ was not that high, so it was easier to fool around.

If Feng Wei asked it to come out of the mountain directly, it would definitely be different, so he used the aggressive method.

Sure enough, the Giant Insect King was fooled, "Of course."

"Did you bring the essence this time?" It was more concerned about this.

Feng Wei showed an aggrieved look again, "No, they were all snatched by the Zombie King, and they said they would feed them to the dogs and they wouldn't give them to you."

If the Zombie King heard Feng Wei's nonsense, he would definitely vomit blood depressedly, it's too shameless, when did he say that? Why doesn't he know.

The giant worm king's eyes were full of anger, "It's too much, where is the zombie king? This king will go and fix him himself."

"He's in the base camp, I'm afraid you won't be able to beat him, or forget it."

Feng Wei looked at it cautiously and continued: "I came here this time to inform you that the people who are going to arrest you before are united with the Zombie King, and they might want your flesh and blood .”

"After all, your eighth-level blood is very good for the zombie king." This is true, and she thinks that the zombie king may be thinking about the flesh and blood of the big bug.

"So you'd better not take the initiative to deliver it to your door." She acted like I was thinking of you.

The giant insect king was even more angry, "No, this king is going to kill him, I hate those dark and ugly things the most."

"You take me there, go now." It has to get rid of those ugly things that miss itself first.

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