Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 221 The effect is so fast?

Mr. Xie heard Xia Ruo's confident words, and looked at her after drinking the honey water in the cup.

"Little girl, do you mean that even my illness can be cured?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes, but your condition is more complicated than theirs. The genetic disease is cured in the early stage, and you need to continue treatment and rest for a period of time in the later stage to gradually improve."

This old man has a lot of illnesses, and it will take a long time for the treatment. After all, acupuncture is not a panacea, and it needs to be combined with auxiliary treatment.

There was a rare smile in Bo Siyu's cold eyes, "As long as it can be cured, it doesn't matter if it takes a long time!"

Mr. Xie has made great contributions to the Second Battle Group, and he has a very deep relationship with his grandfather. Naturally, he does not want the old man to die early due to illness.

"Stinky boy, you're good at answering." Mr. Xie said nothing to Bo Siyu, which was considered his acquiescence.

In fact, he didn't think he could really be cured, after all, he knew exactly what was going on with his body.

No longer refuse, firstly because this little girl does have a few brushes, people always have a little hope, and secondly, I don't want to let down the kindness of the boy from the Bai family.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "Since the three old men agree to the treatment, I will give you the first injection first."

"Come on, I also want to see how powerful the ancient medicine golden acupuncture is." Mr. Xie has seen acupuncture and moxibustion in the ancient earth period from ancient books, but now there are very few ancient doctors who can perform it.

Ancient doctors who can also treat people with acupuncture can either only treat some minor ailments, or they are half-baked.

Xia Ruo nodded, "I'll start!"

Dean Chen was also very knowledgeable, so he asked her for advice, "Miss Xia, can we take a look at your acupuncture process?"

"No problem!" Xia Ruo has never been a person who cherishes herself.

"Thank you!" Dean Chen and the others were a little happy.

Xia Ruo took out the golden needle and gave the first patient the first patient, and after adjusting the time, went to give the third patient the needle.

The needles of the two are the same size, but there is a small difference in the acupuncture points used.

Xia Ruo's focus is to use spiritual power to act on the golden needles, and first sort out their blocked meridians.

Mr. Xie's treatment was more troublesome. She applied the needles last. The needles were different in length and thickness, and the acupuncture points were also different from the first two.

It took twice as long as the other two.

Just after the injection for Mr. Xie, the alarm clock on the terminal sounded, and she got up to pull out the needle for the first patient.

Xia Ruo who entered the treatment state was very serious, with an indescribable charm, which made Bo Siyu's eyes more interesting.

This woman is like an interesting book, as if there is a new story every time you turn a page.

Feng Yan sat not far away watching Xia Ruo treat his illness with his chin poised. Normally, he would have left bored.

But looking at Xia Ruo's serious and busy figure, he unexpectedly felt peaceful and quiet. This woman is very pleasing to the eye.

No wonder it is said that people who work hard are the most attractive.

After pulling out the needle for the first patient, everyone felt that the swelling on his body was reduced a lot.

"Dr. Xia is really amazing! This acupuncture is also very miraculous. After the acupuncture, my whole body felt much more relaxed, and the pain that had been bothering me has also eased a lot."

The old man was amazed, "I haven't felt so comfortable in my body for a long time!"

The doctors present were a little unbelievable, the effect is so fast?

Dean Chen ordered the two doctors to say, "Check the various data indicators of the old man's body!"

They could only watch the old man's edema diminish and hear him say that his body was relaxed, but they instinctively wanted to use a machine to detect the results of acupuncture.

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