Feng Wei didn't listen any more, but returned to the original position with the wine glass.

Her attention was on Bai Jia and the supernatural captain.

Soon, the voice of the light brain came, "Master, there is no crystal nucleus on the captain of the supernatural power, but he has a lung and a shadow in his body."

"He's probably sick with his skin, and he's wearing gloves because he has two broken fingers."

Feng Wei shook the cup, "It's fine, just keep scanning Bai Jia."

This person can be ruled out, but he didn't come to the bar in vain today.

If she didn't come, Bai Jia wouldn't locate and follow her, so she would find out that this guy has the ability to locate.


This scan took a bit long, and after about five minutes, the sound of the light brain came again.

"Master, I didn't scan him for advanced equipment like a terminal, but I found a hidden crystal nucleus in his heart."

Feng Wei was stunned for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face, "What? You mean he has a zombie crystal nucleus in his body?"

"From the energy detected by scanning, it is similar to the zombie crystal nucleus, but it is much more advanced, and it can completely suppress the energy of other zombie crystal nucleus."

"There is a layer of black energy around the crystal nucleus, like dark energy. I scanned it several times before I found the crystal nucleus, which is relatively deep."

If it is replaced with a slightly inferior optical computer or terminal, it will definitely not be able to scan it.

This result really surprised Feng Wei, who did not expect to find the sixth-level zombie he was looking for, but found another zombie that was suspected to be higher-level.

"Master, and I scanned that his body cells and flesh state are very different from those of zombies."

"He tends to be more like the flesh and blood cells of normal people, that is, they are all eroded by dark energy, but the energy belongs to him, not external effects." The light brain said again.

Feng Wei nodded: "It means that this guy should still have dark or devouring abilities."

"It can be scanned to see if he is a seventh-level supernatural being." She suspected that this guy deliberately restrained himself when he exhaled his breath.

The optical brain scanned again, "It's impossible to judge, his supernatural energy comes from the crystal nucleus of the heart, and it is wrapped in dark energy, so it cannot be detected."

"But from the data analysis, it should be higher than the energy of the giant worm on your body."

Feng Wei squinted his eyes, "It means this guy should have level eight."

"If he brought energy stones and a special energy to this life star before the end of the world, and after the effect, the whole planet has undergone tremendous changes, is it possible that he will not be suppressed by the interface law?"

She always felt that this guy was a bit of a bug in the last days of this planet.

After the optical brain analysis, it will come to a conclusion, "What you said is more than 50% likely."

"If he caused the changes on this planet, then the energy of the law at that time should focus on resisting the changes, and he took advantage of the loopholes."

Feng Wei took a deep breath and curled the corners of his lips: "It's getting more and more interesting."

A zombie king just appeared, but I didn't expect that there was such a more powerful one hidden.

Feng Wei raised his hand and moved the space ring on his finger, is this a blessing in disguise?

If it wasn't for this guy's smart positioning, she felt that something was wrong, and let the optical brain scan to see if he had advanced things, so how could she find out his real problem.

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