Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2229 How can I help you?

Feng Wei turned off the surveillance camera, but stood outside and did not leave.

She didn't expect that Huo Xiaohai, in order to compete with Huo Xiaoliang for the position of heir, would actually willingly collude with the dark organization.

Being able to roll with the sixth-level zombies must be because he doesn't know the real situation of the current Diablo organization, otherwise he would be scared to death.

Originally, Feng Wei's idea of ​​getting rid of this female zombie was given up.

She reached out and poked the dozing Giant Worm King on the shoulder, "Big Fat Worm, can your innate supernatural powers be able to lie dormant in the enemy's body for a period of time before attacking?"

The sleepy-eyed insect king was a little confused, "How do you know?"

"I guessed it." Feng Wei deduced it after carefully studying the moves of the big fat bug before.

"Do me a favor," she said.

The Giant Insect King said uninterestedly, "No."

Feng Wei has a way to deal with it, "No! Originally, I wanted to treat you to a more fragrant and mellow spiritual wine, since you don't want to drink it, then forget it."

She tidied up the interspatial ring a few days ago, and found several jars of wine in a corner.

Only then did I remember that her mother helped grandpa brew it and asked her to send it over.

But it happened that grandpa was out, so she didn't send it off.

These jars of wine are all made of materials with ample spiritual energy, not only the wine has a particularly strong aroma, but it is also good for the body after drinking it, and it can also improve the cultivation base.

It's just because it's specially brewed for grandpa, and his cultivation level is only between the seventh and tenth level, so it doesn't have much effect for her to drink it.

Originally, she wanted to take it back for Huo Xiaoliang and the others to drink, but now she was going to take out a small bottle to fool the fat worm into doing things.

Sure enough, it was only after mentioning the giant wine worm king that he regained his energy, "Who knows if it's good, take it out first and let me have a drink."

Feng Wei didn't tease it either, and took out a bottle of spiritual wine and threw it at it, "If you don't do anything after drinking it, then don't even think about getting delicious food from me from now on."

The Giant Insect King curled his lips, "Wait for me to inspect the goods first."

It opened the wine bottle, and its eyes suddenly lit up indifferently, "It smells so good."

Then he couldn't wait to take a sip, addicted to it, and then he slammed his mouth and said: "Good wine, it's so delicious."

Then he said angrily: "Feng Xiaowei, there is such a good wine, you didn't let me drink it before, you are too much."

Feng Wei laughed: "I just found out too."

"Would you like to help me?" she asked.

The giant worm king looked at the two-thirds of the wine left, and finally succumbed to the influence of the wine worm in his stomach, and agreed, "Speak, how can you help me?"

With Huo Xiaohai involved in this matter, Feng Wei didn't intend to let them die so soon, otherwise there would definitely be a big commotion in the capital base, and then people from the dark organization would find out.

"In a while, you will use your innate supernatural powers on the pair of dogs and men inside, but don't let them die. I will imprint a spiritual power on them. When the spiritual power is activated, you will let the supernatural powers trigger spontaneously and kill them. .”

If they don't go out immediately, Feng Wei is afraid that they will suddenly endanger the base, so he came up with such a method.

As long as the two of them do something that harms the interests of human beings, the spiritual power of her brand can trigger the innate supernatural power of the big fat bug and freeze them into ice sculptures.

The Giant Insect King took another sip of wine, "No problem."

For it, it takes about half a month to cast its innate supernatural power once before it can cast it a second time, but it doesn't have much impact on other aspects, so it's done.

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