Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2242 Not Like You, Absolutely Not Like You

On the other side, Feng Wei led people into the laboratory.

She removed all the materials given by Bai Jia from the space, plus some recently collected ones.

I also exchanged some wine from the big fat worm, which has a private collection.

"There are so many materials, what kind of weapons are we going to use?" Zhuang Yi asked as he touched the materials with great care.

Feng Wei shook his head: "Today we don't make weapons, but mechs."

"What? Making mechas? Is it real or not?" Zhuang Yi and the others were stunned. Did they hear correctly?

Don't those things only appear in science fiction blockbusters? Can it be made?

Feng Wei laughed and said, "Nonsense, do I seem to be someone who would joke about such things?"

Zhuang Yi immediately leaned over, "It's not like you, you are definitely not like it."

"Beautiful Feng, you are so awesome, you actually lead us to make mechas, I think it's a bit unbelievable." He couldn't help sighing expectantly.

Others also said: "I feel like I am dreaming now."

Feng Wei smiled and slapped them one by one, "I'm not dreaming, wake up and work."

"Here we come!" Having the opportunity to participate in the manufacture of mechas, they all seemed to have taken hormones.

Feng Wei first taught them how to refine materials, and then how to refine the outer shell of the mecha, how to refine the parts inside, and how to arrange the wiring.

The most important thing is the manufacture of the energy box and the console.

Feng Wei gave guidance to Zhuang Yi and others who could get started and let them try.

It was really helpless, so she started to refine while explaining.

All the people present were fascinated, staring at her movements intently, as if they would never get tired.

Although everyone has never been in contact with mecha manufacturing before, but now they are all addicted to it.

As an expert in weapons and mechanics, it is very exciting to be able to participate in such manufacturing.

Feng Wei is quite experienced in making mechas. After a few days and nights, a brand new mecha was manufactured.

The main reason is to teach them a little bit, so it was delayed, otherwise she could finish it in a day or two.

The energy box is also equipped with b-level energy stones.

This was snatched by Huo Xiaoliang when she went out to find the big fat bug. Huo Xiaoliang took people to the place shown on the latest satellite map.

This time I was lucky, the location of the energy stones was not only relatively close to the small town, but there were also a lot of them.

Huo Xiaoliang first purified all of them into B-level energy stones, and left some of them to help her refine A-level energy stones.

Feng Wei activated the console in front of everyone, the energy box started running quickly, and the mecha seemed to come alive.

Zhuang Yi couldn't help pulling Feng Wei's arm excitedly, "How do I control this thing? It's really like a sci-fi blockbuster, do people go in and control it?"

Feng Wei nodded and smiled: "Of course, how about using the remote control?"

"Hurry up, Miss Feng, go up and operate it for us to see." Zhuang Yi couldn't wait to push her.

Others also said one after another: "Yes, Miss Feng, come on quickly."

It was the first time for them to see a controllable mech in reality, and only when Feng Wei went to control it successfully did they dare to believe that it was not a model.

Feng Wei chuckled lightly: "Okay, I'll give you a show."

She used her mental power to connect to the activated mecha, and was quickly sent into the control room.

Seeing a ray of light fall on Feng Wei, she was sucked into the mecha, Zhuang Yi and others were all dumbfounded.

Feng Wei hasn't touched a mecha for more than half a year since he came here, and the familiar feeling came out immediately after entering.

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