Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2248 Too exciting

Hearing the shouts from below, Feng Wei was startled, obviously very surprised.

There was a bit of warmth in the eyes, and a pleasant and clear laughter poured out from the mech, "Don't underestimate me."

"These ugly things don't deserve to come here, let's show you how powerful the high-level planetary mecha is."

As her voice fell, everyone saw the orange mech disappear into the air.

When it reappeared, it had landed on the heads of the group of demons.

The leading demon had displeasure written all over his eyes, as if he had been provoked by ants.

He didn't make a move himself, but said to the demons following him: "Kill her."

Those level seven demons were too lazy to attack, because Feng Wei's aura was level six.

As for mechas, these demons from the interface of low-level distant planets don't even know what they are.

A demon with the weakest strength stood up from behind.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed at the orange mecha.

With a very tricky angle, Feng Wei not only avoided his attack, but fired fiercely at his weak point.

The energy bomb flew out and shot straight into the demon's throat.

He widened his eyes immediately, and wanted to grab Feng Wei's big hand and cover his neck instead, then he fell heavily on the ground with wide eyes, dead as hell.

Such a scene stunned the demons, and they died in one round. What is that orange thing?

"A few more." The leading demon frowned displeased.

Suddenly, three demons jumped up together, and their big hands were about to grab Feng Wei from the same depth.

Feng Wei's talent in manipulating mechs is well-known among the top geniuses in the central star, and he has completely inherited Feng Yan and Xia Ruo. When the hands of these demons fell, she kicked them away with a few roundabout kicks.

They kept jumping with the help of their outstretched hands, and then found the position of the throat, and fired three more energy bombs.

Every energy bomb accurately penetrated their throats, and completely took their lives away.

The reason why they know that the throat position is the weakness of these demons is thanks to that time in the maze.

"Come on, give me some more, you must kill her." The demon cursed and roared in displeasure.

This time, the sixth-level demons in the back jumped towards the mecha one after another, surrounding her from all sides.

But they still underestimated the power of the mecha, every time they approached a demon, Feng Wei would be the first to kill it.

Soon, the sixth-level demons were pierced through their throats to the end, and in less than ten minutes, more than 20 of them died.

This result not only stunned the demons, but also shocked all the other people watching the battle.

This mecha is too powerful, it is completely unobstructed sweep against the sixth level!

"Oh my god, Miss Feng's mecha is so awesome."

"As expected of Beauty Feng, this mecha is too strong."

"It feels much more exciting than watching sci-fi blockbusters in cinemas before."

"It turns out that the mechs of the high-level star field are so powerful. It seems that we are really far behind here."

"It's okay, we have a beautiful woman named Feng."

"That's right, we still have Miss Feng."

"Beauty Feng is mighty!" Countless shouts resounded in the city.

Everyone who was already determined to die, seeing Feng Wei killing so many level 6 demons so sharply and gaining the upper hand, couldn't help feeling a little more hopeful.

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