Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2250 too beautiful

Looking at Feng Wei, who was fully driving the mech, the light in Bai Jia's eyes became even brighter.

At this time, he was even more sure that Feng Wei's family in Central Star would definitely not be small, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate such an excellent mech warrior.

And he could tell that the b-level mecha actually limited Feng Wei's performance, that is, if she could drive a higher-level mecha, she would definitely be more powerful.

Even people like him are passionate about watching it, which shows how good Feng Wei is at driving the mecha.

If she goes to the star field where he is, she will definitely be the best and most dazzling star among the mech warriors.

He didn't know that Feng Wei, the central star, was also the most dazzling new rising star. She never won the second place in every mecha competition, and she always beat the second place.

After hearing Bai Jia's words, the people present became even more excited. They just said, how can it be so powerful, it's not like a normal person can do it at all.

Sure enough, she was able to do it because she was a beautiful woman.

"Beauty Feng is worthy of being Miss Feng, she is so awesome, she is so beautiful!" This is the voice of everyone at this time.

On the other side, after Feng Wei killed the sixth-level demon, he was chased and killed by the enraged seventh-level demon.

Even those who were seriously injured joined the battle again.

At this moment, Huo Xiaoliang couldn't sit still anymore, and stepped out without hesitation.

He is already at the seventh level, and because of the ability of the devouring system, even if he has just advanced, he is not an ordinary seventh level.

In his hand was a long sword with condensed wind power, and it landed in front of a wounded seventh-level demon. First, a bolt of lightning struck him to a standstill, and then pierced his throat with a sword.

Then the seventh-level demon fell to the ground and died.

Huo Xiaoliang's killing speed was also very fast, seven demons died in his hands within a few minutes.

Even if it was injured, it was still a seventh-level demon, and many people present could only look up to it.

Seeing this, Feng Wei's eyes overflowed with sporadic smiles, and he drove the mech to cooperate with Huo Xiaoliang tacitly.

Because the seventh-level demon has faster reaction ability and always pays attention to protecting the neck, it is not so easy for her to shoot directly at the opponent's throat.

Now with Huo Xiaoliang, she no longer has to target the weak point of her throat.

Instead, the kinetic energy guns swept across the attacking seventh-level demons.

This can also cause seventh-level demons to be injured.

Then before they could react, the wind-type long sword pierced through their throats.

The two cooperated very tacitly, and even showed their domineering aura, killing the seventh-level demon who was originally fierce and bloody and hostile.

The last few remaining ones started to run away actively.

But how could Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang let them run away.

Feng Wei used his mental power to forcibly tear open a lot of space cracks in the vicinity, and then drove the mech to quickly leap to catch up and shoot.

A pair of wind-type wings appeared behind Huo Xiaoliang, and their speed was not so fast. They soon landed on the demon who was shot by Feng Wei, and raised his hand to poke them.

Sometimes when encountering a more powerful demon, even if he escaped the long sword he pierced, or even counterattacked with a supernatural power, he would directly use the devouring supernatural power.

Not only absorb all the other party's supernatural powers, but also extract the essence energy, and then bounce back directly.

It is comparable to the energy gun made by Feng Wei, and the counterattack energy is more pure and powerful.

The demon who was counterattacked by extracting the essence of his supernatural ability could not escape serious injuries, and then was easily pierced by Huo Xiaoliang with a sword through his throat.

Huo Xiaoliang joined the battle for about half an hour, cooperated with Feng Wei in tacit cooperation, and all the seventh-level demons were wiped out.

Continue at 19:30~

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