Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2264 What do you mean?

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, An Qi would have brought the zombies to wipe out all these people.

Now he can only ignore the other party and run away quickly.

The dark leader suddenly remembered, and asked An Qi: "Have you arranged all the things ordered by the above?"

An Qi raised his eyebrows, "It's still a question, of course it's arranged."

He grimaced, "Feng Wei and the others forced us away, and I will definitely not let them have a good time."

The dark leader nodded: "We will start when we leave the base, otherwise we may have long nights and dreams."

An Qi did not argue with him this time, "Understood."

Just when the two groups rushed to the base to hide the location of the back door, they saw some people standing in front of them, as if they had been waiting there for a long time.

Huo Xiaoliang played with the energy gun in his hand, looked at the two groups of high-level executives in the dark, and hooked his lips, "Where do you want to go?"

Neither the dark leader nor An Qi expected that the other party had already ambushed here.

"Why are you here?" The location of the back door is very secret, only the zombie king and the dark leader know, and the zombies and people they bring are not clear.

Huo Xiaoliang said indifferently: "The dead don't need to talk too much."

The reason why I was able to know the existence of this hidden back door was because of Feng Wei's optical brain analysis.

So they discussed that after the big fat bug entered the city, it would attract the attention of Diablo, and Huo Xiaoliang would bring another wave of elites to block it.

Sure enough, their strategy was right.

Without further ado, he rushed out first and attacked An Qi.

Bu Xu, who had also reached the seventh level, attacked the dark leader at this time.

The people and zombies following the two sides also quickly joined the battle group, and the fight was fierce.

On the other side, under the leadership of the Giant Insect King, Feng Wei's team rushed in like a broken bamboo.

The light brain's notification sound suddenly sounded in Feng Wei's mind, "Master, I found a lot of explosives buried underground. Once the explosion is successful, the entire dark base will be blown into ruins."

Feng Wei wasn't too surprised. If he hadn't prepared for it, the Zombie King wouldn't have run away like that.

"Cut off all the bomb lines and the remote control in the zombie king's hand," she ordered.

After entering the dark base, Feng Wei asked the light brain to monitor the dark base first.

It's a good thing they did this, otherwise they wouldn't die if the zombie king pressed the remote control, but most of the people who came with them had no chance of surviving.

It is very simple for the optical computer to cut off the connection between the line and the remote control, just hack into the program of the remote control.

Soon, its voice sounded, "Completed."

"Very good, you monitor again to see if there are other hidden dangers." Feng Wei ordered again.

"Okay, master."

At this moment, Bai Jia, who had been following Feng Wei, walked forward for a certain distance, and then used his supernatural power to lift part of the ground in front of him.

Then everyone saw the bomb line buried inside, and everyone was shocked.

Bai Jia squatted down and took a look, then stood up and said to Feng Wei: "The bottom of this base is full of high-explosive bombs. If they explode, the base will definitely be razed to the ground."

Feng Wei suddenly realized that he couldn't see through Bai Jia. What did he mean by deliberately exposing the bomb buried under the base?

And how did he know?

The others were startled when they saw this, and Ding Yue immediately asked the bomb disposal experts to go up and look at it.

I got a reply that the bombs here have buried a city, and there is no way to find out the cut line. What should I do?

I was really dizzy. I finished writing and saving after five o’clock, and then I forgot to click send. Fortunately, I suddenly found out~~~ Today’s update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~

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