Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 228 Can't Keep Calm

Feng Yan thought for a while and added, "After drinking it, the mental strength can be restored to its peak, but there is also a time limit, but there are no side effects."

The members of the Feng family also had such a guess, but they couldn't help being surprised when they heard the confirmation.

Such a potion has never appeared in the Federation.

The most important thing is that the potion with such a powerful effect has no side effects.

They didn't doubt what their third son said.

Feng Baixuan looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "What grade of potion is this?"

"Level two!" Xia Ruo replied.

Feng Yi's face was filled with astonishment, "The second-level potion has this effect? ​​Did you research the formula yourself?"

Xia Ruo said truthfully: "My mental power has dropped to D-level, and I need the cooperation of mental power to prepare a third-level potion, so I researched this kind of potion to help me prepare a third-level potion."

"That day when Feng Yan was out on a mission, I gave him a few bottles. I didn't expect it would cause such a big reaction."

Seeing Xia Ruo's calm appearance, everyone in the Feng family nodded in unison. This little girl is very restrained and steady.

If someone else encounters such a thing, they might not be able to bear it and publicize it in order to become famous.

You must know that if this potion is made public, it will definitely cause a big sensation.

Whether it is applied on the battlefield or in other fields, the significance of this medicine is very great.

She looked like I didn't know that she would have such a big reaction, her heart is really too big!

It was also when they had sealed off their family. If they were overwhelmed by interests or had a darker family, they would have locked her up long ago and used it for the family.

But Xia Ruo seems to be a smart person, maybe she won't tell the truth to other people.

Feng Boxuan asked cautiously: "Do you want to announce this potion?"

From the perspective of his position, he naturally hoped that Xia Ruo would announce the potion and put it into production.

But from the perspective of an elder, he will not impose on Xia Ruo, and respect her wishes in everything.

If she wanted to hide the potion, then their Feng family would also deal with those problems on the Internet.

Xia Ruo had already thought about it before coming, "I can disclose this medicine, and I can put the formula into production for Second Brother Feng's pharmaceutical company, but my identity as the pharmacist who prepares this medicine must be kept secret for the time being."

When the time is right, she will naturally reveal her identity. Now is not a good time, so it would be good to lay the groundwork first.

Feng Yi was surprised again, "You want to hand over this pharmaceutical formula to my company? My company has just started, are you sure you don't want to choose again? The old man Lu you met before, his son is the director of the largest pharmaceutical company in the Federation long."

It feels like a pie is falling, but he is not the kind of mercenary, so let's be honest.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "I believe in Brother Feng's ability, besides, a large group like that is generally more complicated, I don't want to be disturbed often."

Feng Yi chuckled, "I am honored to hear Ruoruo's first words, and I will definitely live up to my expectations!"

"Not only this medicine formula, I will also provide Brother Feng with a pill formula. It is best to start production in the near future. By then, it should be able to make your pharmaceutical company popular again." Xia Ruo was originally planning to find time The person who discussed this matter with him just met today.

The smile in Feng Yi's eyes was about to overflow, and he asked curiously, "What pill?"

It must not be easy for his pharmaceutical company to be popular again!

"Pills to treat chronic genetic diseases." Xia Ruo said calmly.

Except for Feng Yan, the few people present couldn't calm down anymore, "What?"

There are two more updates, continue at 14:30~~

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