Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2284 is angry again

Bi Huai was quickly attracted by the mutant beast on the video, he could feel that it was very strong.

As if he could be shot to death with one claw, just a glance of the cold eyes made him shudder.

Not only was he not afraid, but the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.

I really didn't expect such a high-level Wenxing domain to exist. If he can capture it and use it for him, he can definitely use it to promote to the king level.

"The king-level human ability user who suppressed it must be very strong." He couldn't help but sigh.

He's also the strongest man on the planet, and he's equally competitive.

Consciously, if it wasn't for the limitations of the planet to bury him, he would definitely be no worse than that person.

Feng Wei saw his arrogance and wanted to roll his eyes, this guy is too narcissistic, he deserves to be compared with her grandfather?

"Of course he is strong. He is recognized as the strongest person in the high-level star field." She said proudly.

Her grandfather was number one, her uncle was number two, and her parents had also stepped into the king rank, so if she said it, she would scare the old guy to death.

But she didn't foolishly tell Bi Huai to make him more on guard, after all, her relatives wanted to come here to pick her up, and everyone in the world knew about it.

Bi Huai felt Feng Wei's pride from a high-level civilization, and felt very upset.

"What level were you before you came here?" He asked curiously.

Feng Wei said carelessly: "Peak of level ten, it won't be long before I go back to level eleven, but I still have a few months to turn twenty-one."

She continued to say with pricking heart: "Aren't you already at level ten? This cultivation speed is a bit slow."

Bi Huai was really angry again: "..."

His face turned black instantly without any concealment, "The law of this life star is very suppressed, but it's not like you can cultivate to level ten or above."

But the more I think about it, the more I feel bad. The dead girl is already at the tenth level at the age of twenty, but he is already a thousand years old.

If Feng Wei wasn't needed, he really wanted to strangle her to death.

Feng Wei smiled and said: "But it's not something to be proud of being only tenth level at a thousand years old. Many of us have tenth level at the age of a few decades."

What you want is to hit this guy's self-confidence first.

Sure enough, when Bi Huai heard this, he remembered that he was promoted to the tenth level with the help of external energy when the end of the world came. He couldn't help but wonder, isn't his cultivation talent that strong?

Soon he shook his head, people like Feng Wei were better off than him because they were born on a high-level planet with richer aura and richer resources, his talent is not inferior to them.

But anyway, a seed was planted.

After wandering around the Yinhun sect, Feng Wei found that this guy was dishonest, and the places he took her to had no secrets.

"City Master Feng, can you show us how you make energy weapons and mechas?" Bi Huai suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and smiled again on his face.

Feng Wei shrugged indifferently, "What's the matter, you can watch it if you want."

"However, the materials for refining mechas are not complete, and I can't do anything about making them now."

She looked at Bi Huai with a meaningful smile, "Your Yinhun sect already has thousands of years of foundation. I heard that this planet was in the period of cultivation civilization thousands of years ago. You should have a lot of good materials in your inventory."

Although she didn't say it clearly, the meaning is obvious. If you want to see me make mechas and energy weapons, you can contribute the materials first.

Today's update is over, thank you for your rewards and votes~

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