Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2287 It's not that simple

Feng Wei knew that Huo Xiaoliang was in a fake coma just like her.

"Where did you find it?"

Huo Xiaoliang replied: "In the depths of the mountain where the teleportation array is drawn, there is a devouring energy. Although it is very weak, I still caught it."

"I also feel that an energy that doesn't look like this world existed deep under the mountain." He is an original resident, so he is more sensitive to this.

Feng Wei believed in his perception and judgment, "It seems that the secret of the Yinhun sect is probably hidden in that mountain."

"You have to find a way to find out."

She called out the optical brain virtual robot, "How is your scanning going?"

She chose to be with Huo Xiaoliang, so she would disclose the situation of the optical brain and share information.

The light-brain villain replied: "Master, I have scanned the Yinhun sect and found three problems."

"In a barren mountain, a large number of ore veins similar to energy stones were found. The approximate grades are judged to be c-grade and b-grade." It quickly called up a topographic map of a mountain.

Feng Wei looked at the stone inlaid in the vein after the optical brain deep scan, "This should be a spirit stone, which has a similar cultivation effect to the energy stone."

"It's no wonder that there are so many people from the third to fifth levels of the Yinhun sect. It turns out that they are inseparable from the spirit stone." This makes sense.

"What about two more places?"

The light brain called out another palace, "There are prison cells built underground here, and many prisoners are detained."

Soon, the scanned video appeared.

I saw dozens of large and small cages in an underground palace, and most of the cages imprisoned many people dressed like ancient people.

There are also two cages where people dressed in modern clothes should be from the Guwu family.

"Before Bu Xu said that before and after the end of the world, some elders or high-level members of their Guwu family disappeared without knowing their life and death. It seems that they were captured by the Yinhun sect." Feng Wei rubbed his chin and said.

Huo Xiaoliang looked at the video and said, "These are all practitioners, there is a chance to take them out."

Feng Wei nodded: "I think so too."

"Where is the last place?" She asked the light brain.

The optical brain immediately called up another blurry video, "This is under the mountain Huo Shao mentioned before, and there is a wave of energy blocking it, so I can't scan it too clearly."

"There is a large square at the foot of the deep mountain, which is arranged like an ancient sacrificial place, surrounded by spiritual stones."

Feng Wei turned on the video and watched it carefully. Although it was blurry, he could still see something.

"This place really seems to be specially built for sacrifice."

Feng Wei saw the runes on the ground, and immediately stretched out his hand to zoom in on the video, "The ground is covered with teleportation runes similar to the ones before, it seems that this is where the trouble lies."

Huo Xiaoliang remembered what happened outside the small city before, "Is this what they used to summon demons?"

"It looks similar, but I don't think it's that simple." Feng Wei can also see a lot through the recent inheritance knowledge of formations and runes.

"I feel as if I still have the effect of absorbing some power."

"I'll pass it on to grandpa." She saved the video and sent it to grandpa.

Continue to study, "Not only are there piles of spirit stones nearby, but also a surveillance formation and a formation rune similar to an alarm."

"It seems that Bi Huai attaches great importance to this place. Under normal circumstances, no one should be allowed to enter."

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