There are still several photos that Feng Wei didn't recognize.

This Zong Ling can recognize, "Here are the three entrances to the Yinhunzong, and they usually alternate between each other."

"This is the way to enter the entrance of the sect."

"This is the road to that mountain."

"This is how to get from the cave to the bottom of the mountain."

He pointed them out one by one. Originally, he didn't recognize the road on the two photos, but he was able to deduce it by associating with other photos.

Feng Wei picked up the photo and looked at it carefully, and remembered it in his mind.

Zong Ling sighed, "I don't know how they are doing now, whether we can meet them."

Then he showed the three people the screen that the light brain had just monitored, "Your parents have found the secret of the Yinhun sect, and they should have sent the photos with the terminal before they were in danger."

The terminal has been publicly distributed at major bases before, and the Zong family couple went to receive it, probably for the purpose of contacting the Zong family brothers.

After watching the contents of the video, the three of them all showed a bit of worry on their faces, "That Bi Huai won't kill them?"

Although they had prepared in advance that the two of them might die, they still hoped that the other party would survive.

Feng Wei replied: "No, if you want to kill them, Bi Huai killed them just now."

"Don't worry, when we go out, we will rescue them and take them with us." She comforted.

The three brothers nodded: "Well, what should we do now?"

Feng Wei said: "Find out the secrets of the altar and formation first, and then act."

"Don't move yet, cooperate with me to manufacture mechas and energy weapons, and we will act after I research that thing." She ordered.

Otherwise, if there is any change in the three brothers now, it is very likely that Bi Huai will control them.

"Okay, we'll listen to you." The three of them knew whether they could save their parents and get out from here, the key still depended on Feng Wei's leadership.

A few people talked about the conversation and went out.

Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang went out with them with the invisibility talisman to create the illusion that they were still in the room.

Anyway, they are lovers, even if they stayed in the same room, Bi Huai would not doubt it.

Zong Ling and the others waited for tens of seconds before closing the door of the room, and then went back to their own room.

Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang left the hall, and then Huo Xiaoliang hugged her and flew her up with the wind ability.

The two flew all the way to that mountain, and then searched every nearby cave.

Among more than a hundred caves, I finally found the one corresponding to the photo, not to mention that it was quite hidden.

Feng Wei used his mental power to interfere with the nearby monitoring array, and then found the switch of the cave, a stone door opened, and the two walked in.

Then there is a downward staircase with no end in sight.

There are relatively bright night pearls inlaid all around, which are not as effective as moonstones, but they can completely see the road.

At some distance, Feng Wei could find a monitoring formation, so she used mental power to influence it, and the two of them had been sticking invisibility charms, so Bi Huai didn't notice it.

After walking for about half an hour, the two finally walked to the end.

There was an entrance without a door ahead, and when the two walked in, they found runes all the way.

These gadgets are similar to modern infrared warnings. If they accidentally step on them, they will produce an alarm effect, and Bi Huai will know immediately.

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