Before, Feng Wei suspected that the Yinhun sect wanted to rule and control the entire life star.

It's just that although the overall strength of the Yinhun sect is relatively strong, compared with the outside military and supernatural beings, it is not so easy to rule the life star.

But if the demons from another world are really allowed to come out of this teleportation formation, let alone control, even destroying this life star will be no problem at all.

Those demons also like to suck the flesh and blood of practitioners. All the supernatural beings on the Life Star will become food for each other, and the outside will also become a purgatory on earth.

The demons that appeared before were not the strongest in the other world, and Feng Wei didn't know what level the strongest demons on the other side had reached.

If they have the strength above level ten, then if they move this life star to the high-level civilization star domain, Bi Huai will activate the formation and summon the demon army.

It will be a big trouble for the entire advanced civilization star field.

Feng Wei suddenly remembered the sixth sense from before, and it was accurate, and he was glad that he deliberately jumped into the opponent's trap this time.

"No matter what, we have to destroy the altar at the bottom of the mountain." Huo Xiaoliang also said with some lingering fear.

Originally, the Yinhun sect was difficult to deal with, and with the addition of the demon army, it might be really difficult to deal with outside.

This is the premise that the base of the dark organization has been wiped out. Otherwise, with the zombie king controlling the zombie army, there may not be many survivors in the world alive.

Feng Wei nodded: "Well, not only must the altar be destroyed, but the entire Yinhun sect must also be destroyed."

"Bi Huai and others have completely abandoned their humanity for their own interests and ideas. They are no different from those zombies, and even more ruthless, so they can't stay either."

"Let's pretend to deal with Bi Huai first. I have already asked my grandfather to teach me how to break the teleportation formation of the altar. After learning it, we can act."

"At that time, let your grandfather and others mobilize the supernatural beings from the various bases to enter the Yinhun sect from the outside, and attack us from inside and outside, and completely destroy the Yinhun sect in one fell swoop."

"This is a good way." Huo Xiaoliang nodded, "It's just that Bi Huai is already at level ten, so he might be a bit difficult to deal with."

Feng Wei smiled and said: "I already feel that the rules are still loose. My grandfather said that the formation can make people borrow strength. I suspect that Bi Huai was able to advance to the tenth level only by absorbing the help."

"He can use that power, and so can I."

Huo Xiaoliang said with some concern: "Will that kind of borrowing power from the outside world be harmful? I always feel that there will be no pie in the world."

Feng Wei leaned against him and said with a chuckle: "Of course it will be harmful. Bi Huaizhen thought that there would be no trouble after being promoted to level ten. Is it so easy to take advantage of the demons in the other world?"

"My grandfather said that the power of the devil was instilled in his body. Although it is tenth level, it is indeed tenth level, and it may even be counterattacked at any time."

"If I borrow that power, I won't use it on myself. Instead, I will use it to attack the law's imprisonment here, just like before, and then achieve the effect of restoring the level."

Huo Xiaoliang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "It's okay, as long as you don't hurt yourself by borrowing strength."

"Don't worry, I still have to wait for my grandparents to pick me up, and I'm going to take you to the high-level literature star field. I will definitely not let anything happen to me." Feng Wei put his arms around Huo Xiaoliang's neck.

Huo Xiaoliang took advantage of the opportunity to kiss him, "Well, I believe in you."

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