If you want to study and crack it, you have to keep the real thing.

So Bi Huai said in a somewhat displeased tone: "City Master Feng, this is a mecha made of materials provided by our sect. Why did you just give it away? Shouldn't it stay in our Yinhun sect?"

Feng Wei rolled his eyes at him directly, "Old Ancestor Bi, is it because you are old that your thoughts can't keep up?"

"I made this with my own people, of course it's ours."

"Why did I let you and so many people from the Yinhun sect come to watch and study? It is because the materials you provide are used as tuition fees. Otherwise, who would spread this technology to the outside world?"

"So the manufactured mecha is of course ours." She was confident, as if you should stop dreaming.

Bi Huai choked, feeling an urge to vomit blood, this damn girl must have deliberately restrained him.

Thinking that even Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang would become his in the future, he held back his anger and let this dead girl be arrogant for a few more days.

"Let's go back to rest first, Uncle Bi, you should also go to rest, otherwise you will easily develop age spots." Feng Wei wanted to poke Bi Huai's sore spot as soon as he spoke.

Bi Huai took a deep breath, "Go, you guys go to rest quickly."

After Feng Wei took the people away, he smashed all the things in the laboratory in a fit of anger, making all the disciples of the Yinhun sect tremble.

Bi Huai was enraged by Feng Wei, and went to the place where he often retreated to practice, trying to suppress the killing intent.

Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei entered her room, and the people in Bihuai were not surprised when they saw this.

After entering the room, Feng Wei's optical brain sent a reminder.

"Master, your mother's news has entered."

Feng Wei immediately looked away, and then ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Huo Xiaoliang asked, "What's wrong?"

Feng Wei pulled him and said: "My dad suddenly found a space jump point, he can directly enter this planet, so he doesn't need to jump several space nodes to go around as planned."

"I suspect that after the space storm that Bai Jia and I encountered, we were drawn into this node. After all, we didn't have much time to wander in the universe."

Huo Xiao sneered and held her hand instead, "That's really great."

"When will they arrive on this planet?" he asked.

Feng Wei replied: "In about three days, I will be contacted when I arrive."

"Let's postpone our plan for three days," she said.

Originally, she had already learned the method of breaking the altar during the past few days, and she was going to act today.

Since parents and the others are coming soon, it is natural to wait.

Huo Xiaoliang nodded: "Okay, three days after the postponement is not a big problem, I will send a message to ask the major bases to wait."

"En." Feng Wei nodded.

Then Feng Wei slept in the room for two days, and the others were also tired after making the mechs for a week, so they also kept sleeping.

On the third day, just as Feng Wei was about to get up, Guangnao called the police.

"I found smoke entering the room, owner please be careful."

Feng Wei also felt that something was wrong, and his mental power fell into the bathroom.

She got up and walked in, and saw wisps of colorless and odorless smoke coming out of the cracks in the ceiling of the bathroom.

Feng Wei immediately shielded her senselessness, and used her mental strength to isolate the smoke from eroding her body.

"Analyze what this is." She ordered the optical brain.

The light brain quickly analyzed the smoke, "Master, this smoke has a deep stun effect, and it is useful for eighth and ninth-level abilities."

I'm sorry, at 0:05, the system had a problem. I couldn't send it and kept going around in circles. I ran to read novels, who knew that I was fascinated by it, and accidentally forgot the time. When I realized it, it was this point~

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