Ming Rui is also from a big family, otherwise it would be impossible to grow up with Feng Yan.

"Boss, I will also give a place here."

Feng Yan nodded: "Okay, I'll say hello to my second brother later."

This is the brother who has played with him for a long time, and he can't treat one more favorably than another. Others can ignore it, and they still have to take care of it.

After talking about medicine, Xi Yu thought for a while and asked gossip: "Boss, are you enrolling in ten elective courses this time to fight against Xia Ruo?"

Otherwise, with the temperament of their boss, they will definitely find it troublesome and report up to two.

Feng Yan raised his eyebrows, "Guess!"

Xi Yu coughed dryly, "Boss, actually, why do you bother with a woman? It just happened to be the first place last time. It's no fun to get angry with her."

Feng Yan and Xi Yu have been together for so many years, once the other party sticks his ass, he knows what to do.

"You know Xia Ruo?" Otherwise, I wouldn't persuade myself not to worry about it, my brother is usually not a meddlesome person.

Xi Yu has always been straightforward, "I know her, we met her at the trial site, and she treated us to a barbecue. I think she is quite easy to get along with, so don't target her, boss." .”

"Did she treat you to barbecue?" Feng Yan raised his eyebrows again.

Xi Yu nodded: "Yes! In fact, we were the ones who took the initiative to go there when we smelled the fragrance. We wanted to buy it with her, so she just invited us to eat."

"Boss, the barbecue she made is really delicious, and the honey is not bitter, sweet but not greasy. I want to have another meal after talking about it." He said with endless aftertaste.

Feng Yan raised his head and asked Ming Rui: "You ate too?"

Ming Rui pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Eat it, it tastes delicious."

"Don't bother her, maybe I can treat you to a barbecue in the future." Ming Rui has a good impression of Xia Ruo, so he doesn't want his brother to make trouble.

Feng Yan was a little speechless, it's normal for Xi Yu's rough nerves to be bought by a barbecue, but he didn't expect such a shrewd person as Ming Rui to be bought by a barbecue.

Besides, he needs to use this to mix a barbecue? He has eaten a lot of things, if he wants to eat barbecue, it is up to Xia Ruo to do it.

"Boss, how are you? You won't trouble Xia Ruo, are you?" Xi Yu said.

Feng Yan waved his hand impatiently, "Got it!"

How could he go to Xia Ruo's troubles? Isn't that just asking for trouble?

Hearing what he said, both Xi Yu and Ming Rui heaved a sigh of relief.

This week, elective courses will start normally, and there will be a pharmacy class in the afternoon.

Because Feng Yan, a famous figure, enrolled in ten courses, the number of people applying for elective courses continued to increase, especially the number of girls.

Most of the students in the Department of Pharmacy have signed up for elective courses, and none of the girls are left behind.

Many students from other departments who had little interest in pharmacy classes also reported to Feng Yan.

Shui Yini was originally interested in pharmacy, and both the male god and Xia Ruo had enrolled, so she also enrolled in the elective course of pharmacy.

Luo Ning was more sensible, she was not interested and did not report to Feng Yan just because she admired Feng Yan.

When class was about to start, Shui Yini dragged Xia Ruo to class.

"Ruo Ruo, if Feng Yan troubles you, just pretend you didn't see it."

"That man is a bully in the school. Anyone who offends him will be in trouble. If you meet him, be patient, otherwise he may often pick on you in the future."

Although Feng Yan is his god, but at this time she still stood on the side of her roommate's caring persuasion.

I have to go out after dinner, and I can only write when I come back. Let’s continue around 19:30, okay~~

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