Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 236 How did it become like this?

Feng Yan was really a little angry at the rumor-mongers. He obviously followed Feng Xia Ruobao's ten elective courses, and wanted to experience the fun of going to and from get out of class with her.

Who knew that those bastards would spread all kinds of versions that he wanted to fix Xia Ruo, and he still looked like he was watching a good show. He would never let this kind of crooked trend continue.

After the rumors about him on the Internet yesterday, he really hates people who spread rumors.

In particular, these people are likely to be hostile to Xia Ruo.

Hearing Feng Yan's cold and arrogant words, everyone present was dumbfounded.

The one who promised to fix Xia Ruo, how did it become like this?

Could it be that Young Master Feng wasn't angry with Xia Ruo at all?

"Who made the rumor, stand up obediently now, otherwise I won't be so polite if I find out!" Feng Yan clasped his hands together, that kind of domineering arrogance seemed to have been integrated into the bone marrow long ago.

In addition to being domineering, he also has a kind of nobility that comes from the inside, which makes him look handsome and cool. Many girls can't help but blush again. The male god is really masculine and attractive!

The very few people present bowed their heads, and no one acknowledged it.

Feng Yan snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, if you dare to spread rumors about me, you have to pay the price of being discovered!"

He picked up the terminal and dialed out. It was not a video call, but a voice call.

"Have you found out who spread the rumors in the academy?"

A calm male voice came from over there, "Third Young Master has been found out, and I will send the information of those people to your terminal."


After hanging up the phone, Feng Yan clicked on the terminal to take a look, and then searched in the classroom according to the photo.

Sure enough, he found the two of them, and he pointed at the two boys sitting in the corner not far away, "You guys are very courageous!"

"Young Master Feng, I, we were wrong!"

"We also heard from others. We thought you were unhappy because Xia Ruo also took the first place in the exam, so you chose to enroll in ten elective courses."

The hearts of the two tightened, but they were not surprised that Feng Yan found them immediately, and he didn't dare to refute them at all. The only thing he could do was to admit his mistake immediately.

"Who did you hear that from?" Feng Yan frowned, looking at the two of them like a sharp sword, "Is there anyone else who is as narrow-minded as me? Can't even take the first place in the exam?"

If someone else got the first place in the test, he wouldn't let it go, but he would definitely use his strength to push him back next time, but if Xia Ruo got the first place in the test, he felt it was a matter of course.

"No, how could you be narrow-minded!" The two of them were sweating coldly, and their backs felt cold.

"We also forgot who we heard it from, but we will definitely spread it after hearing it." The two argued vigorously.

This is really not a lie, I always feel that someone said this in their ears, and they subconsciously spread it, and even posted it on the Internet.

Feng Yan sneered: "This reason is well made up!"

"From today onwards, I don't want to see you wherever I go!" He announced domineeringly.

These two guys look like cowards, but they really don't seem to be the mastermind.

It's just that even his people haven't found out the mastermind. It seems that there are still some extraordinary characters hidden in the school!

Xia Ruo turned her head to look at the two boys, and found that they happened to be circling around the effeminate boy before. She absolutely did not believe in any coincidence.

The two got up immediately, "Yes, yes, we will never appear in front of Young Master Feng in the future!"

Then he ran out of the classroom very cowardly, Feng Bawang's eyes were too sharp, like knives, they couldn't help their legs trembling, it was too scary!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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