Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 240 You just found out?

Soon, what happened in the classroom of the Department of Pharmacy spread throughout the campus, but many people didn't believe it, especially the girls.

There are also many girls who feel depressed when they hear about this incident.

Feng Yan had no idea that one class broke the hearts of many girls in the school.

But I know, he doesn't care, I wish those women would stop looking at him like a nympho all day long, or want to get to know him and make friends, it's annoying to death!

Seeing Feng Yan following behind, Shui Yini asked Xia Ruo in a low voice, "Why has he been following us?"

"He wants to eat braised pork, so follow him to the villa, and I'll make one for him."

Xia Ruo thought for a while and asked, "You don't mind if he eats with us?"

In any case, the dining room of the villa is a public place, so she has to ask their opinions.

"I don't mind, it's pretty good to be able to have dinner with the male god." Shui Yini smiled.

Then he blinked at Xia Ruo, "By the way, what's your relationship with the male god?"

Xia Ruo smiled frankly: "It's a friend."

"It's that simple?" Shui Yini always felt that the relationship between her roommate and the male god was like a sweet and greasy pink breath.

Xia Ruo laughed: "Yes, it's that simple!"

Later, Xi Yu also asked Feng Yan in a low voice: "Boss, how much do we follow Xia?"

Feng Yan glanced at him, "Of course I went to eat!"

"Ah!" Xi Yu was still a little overwhelmed, "Do you want to have a meal?"

"Almost." Feng Yan said.

Xi Yu thought for a while and asked, "You and Xia Ruo knew each other before?"

Is the relationship good enough to go directly to the point where you can have a meal?

Feng Yan was speechless, "Nonsense, what are you doing if you don't know me!"

"By the way, I'm going to eat, why are you following me?"

Ming Rui said seriously: "I'll go to Cengfan with you!"

If Xia Ruo's grilled meat is so delicious, the so-called braised pork shouldn't be bad.

Xi Yu nodded: "Yes, we will accompany you!"

Feng Yan said angrily: "It's not that I don't have feet, do I need you to accompany me? Go and play."

"Boss, are you trying to leave us behind?" Xi Yu looked resentful.

"You don't talk about loyalty!" Ming Rui also said.

Feng Yan had a big head, "All right, follow along, let you also get some of my glory, really!"

My brother, it's okay to take it for a meal.

After returning to the villa, Xia Ruo asked them to sit in the living room first, and then she went to cook.

When Luo Ning heard the voice coming down the stairs, she was surprised to see Feng Yan and the other three, even though Xia Ruo and Shui Yini had sent messages to say hello to her before!

Seeing Luo Ning come down, Shui Yini finally felt a little more relaxed, otherwise she would feel a lot of pressure sitting with these three people.

"Ningning, come and sit down!"

Luo Ning nodded lightly to the three of them as a greeting, and then sat down next to Shui Yini.

The two chatted for a while first, Shui Yini felt that it was not good to neglect the three of them, so she would find a topic to talk about from time to time.

Mingrui is more refined and polite, and he is basically the one who answers the conversation, and Xi Yu occasionally adds a word.

Feng Yan talked less, feeling that he had nothing to say with them, he got up and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to have a look."

Seeing that his boss would actually enter the kitchen, Xi Yu's eyes widened in disbelief, he abducted Mingrui and asked, "Boss, something is wrong today!"

"You just found out?" Mingrui was speechless, this rough nerve.

"Could they be a couple?" Xi Yu couldn't help asking.

Ming Rui pushed his glasses, "It doesn't look like it, but the relationship should be not shallow!"

The two seem to be close, but they don't look like a couple. His brother has a high IQ, and his EQ is a bit haha.

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