Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 249 Trying to Find a Breakthrough

The earth where the Federation is now moved to this universe later. In addition, there are alien beasts in the sky and two existing planets, namely the Silver Dragon Empire and the Wisteria Empire.

There is not much difference in appearance between the people of these two empires and the Federation, which is similar to the difference between yellow-skinned, black-skinned and white-skinned people on Earth.

It’s just that the cultivation methods are a little different. The federation’s side mainly uses abilities, the Silver Dragon Empire is associated with beasts, and the Wisteria Empire is associated with plants, but they all use mechas as the main fighting method.

When the earth moved here, it was also rejected at the beginning. After thousands of years of integration, coupled with a common enemy, the Federation gradually and completely integrated into it, and it has a cooperative strategic relationship with the other two empires.

However, because the federation came later, many resource stars were occupied by the two empires, and their economy and overall strength were weaker than those of the two empires.

This time, the large consortium of the Silver Dragon Empire came to visit, and many pharmaceutical companies in the Federation wanted to buy Yinsencao, a specialty of the Silver Dragon Empire.

It's a pity that the other party has never let go of them, and all major companies are trying to find a breakthrough.

According to the past, Feng Yi would not be involved in this kind of thing. After all, their pharmacy company just started, but now that he has mental power potions, pills, and ointments, he has full confidence in his own pharmacy company.

The person in charge of the consortium from the Silver Dragon Empire this time is a middle-aged man. In addition to being a business tycoon, he also has a relationship with the imperial prince's mother clan and is in a dominant position in the consortium's decision-making.

Hearing that Feng Yi came to visit at this time, Jules frowned, but still agreed to have a side view.

It was mainly because of Feng Yi's background, otherwise he would not have agreed.

Feng Yi walked into the reception room carrying a gift bag.

"Head of the Jules Foundation, how dare you interrupt me at such a late hour!" Feng Yi still had an elegant and gentle appearance.

Jules thought in his heart that he would come back even though he knew he would be bothering you, but with a smile on his face, "President Feng, you are welcome, is there anything wrong with you coming so late?"

"I have a habit of not talking about work during breaks!" he added.

This time, several big pharmaceutical companies in the Federation wanted to cooperate with them. He would not give Feng Yi the back door because of his background, and he really didn't like to talk about work matters during the break.

Feng Yi smiled gently, "I'm not here tonight to discuss business, but I got a few bottles of honey and some tea leaves. I want to come over and ask Mr. Jules to taste them."

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. During the period of seeking cooperation, they had already checked Jules.

Knowing that this person prefers appetite, some people have tried this before, but unfortunately he was not that interested in the food of the Federation, so they all failed.

Jules raised his eyebrows: "Honey and tea?"

"President Feng, with all due respect, our empire also has honey, but it tastes bitter, and I don't like it."

He paused and said, "I've also drank your tea, it's almost like drinking medicine, and I don't like it either!"

Said so bluntly, but also in order not to waste time.

Feng Yi also knew what he was thinking, and directly took out the honey and tea from the gift bag.

"If it was the honey and tea that Mr. Jules had tasted before, I would naturally not take the initiative to come to the door. Now bring this here to make sure you haven't tasted it."

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