Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 251 This Is Not Enough!

Feng Yi knew that Honey Jules would definitely like it, so he took out two more boxes of tea.

"Would you like to taste this tea?"

Jules was really not interested in tea, and originally wanted to refuse, but then he thought that the princess in the palace seemed to like drinking tea, but was not satisfied with the tea in the palace.

So he smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will taste it too!"

This time Feng Yi stood up personally, brewed two cups of black tea and green tea respectively, and brought them to Jules.

"This is black tea, which has the effects of warming the stomach and maintaining health, refreshing the mind, eliminating fatigue, eliminating edema, stopping diarrhea, antibacterial, and enhancing immunity!"

"This is green tea, which has the effects of refreshing and clearing the heart, clearing heat and relieving heat, eliminating food and phlegm, removing greasy and losing weight, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, reducing fire and improving eyesight, stopping dysentery and dehumidification, etc.!"

It was the first time Jules had heard that tea had this effect, so he took a sip of the black tea first.

It is different from the feeling like drinking medicine in the past, and the taste is not bad.

He took another sip of green tea, it was fragrant and mellow, and tasted very good.

"This tea is much better than what I used to drink, but I still prefer to drink honey water."

Feng Yi still smiled: "Everyone has different preferences, which is normal. Mr. Jules doesn't like drinking tea, so I'll take it back for others."

Jules immediately raised his hand to stop him, and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, although I prefer to drink honey water, our princess prefers to drink tea, so I want to buy this tea and take it home as a gift!"

They didn't like the princess before, but now they want to cater to each other's preferences. As long as she is happy, the prince will be better!

Feng Yi withdrew his hand, "I originally wanted to buy it myself and bring it back to my grandfather to drink. Since Mr. Jules is going to give you the princess as a present, then I won't take away people's love!"

"The price of tea is 300,000 star coins per box!"

He knew that according to Ning Xi's intention, his younger brother sold Qin Shao and others a box of 50,000 star coins.

But since it is going to be sold to "friends" from alien planets, the price will naturally have to be doubled!

Moreover, the selling price is low, and people still feel that the quality is not good enough and the grade is not enough, so they have to work hard.

Sure enough, Jules had no objection to the price, "The quantity of this tea should be more?"

"Five boxes of black tea, five boxes of green tea, I don't have any extra!" Feng Yi shrugged.

Jules said, "No problem, then I'll take it all!"

Then he changed his mind, "Mr. Feng, I'm very interested in your friend. I wonder if there is a chance to ask you to introduce him!"

Whether it is wolfberry honey or black tea and green tea, Feng Yi said that they all have different effects. If he takes it back and the princess likes it, he will naturally buy it back. It is necessary to meet the owner directly.

Feng Yi smiled generously and said: "I can convey it to you. If she agrees, I can make an appointment to see her!"

"Then I'll wait for news from Mr. Feng, and we can communicate more in the future!" Although Jules said so, he wouldn't immediately cooperate with Feng Yi just because of wolfberry honey and tea.

This is not enough!

He had to look at the sincerity of other people. Their empire did not produce much Yinsencao. In the past, the Wisteria Empire would buy a large part of it.

If the Federation was more sincere, he would consider reducing the Wisteria Empire's share, but so far he has not had the urge to make an immediate decision.

Feng Yi is a smart person, and he reached out to shake his hand, "Okay, then I won't disturb Mr. Jules's rest, and leave!"

Jules stood up and laughed, "I'll send Mr. Feng out!"

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