Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 266 As expected of the woman he likes

In three days, Xia Ruo also had a lot of foodie fans in the studio.

I have visited the supermarket all day, and there are also many passers-by who have tried it before.

On the first day of the supermarket's opening, there was a very hot rush to buy, and passers-by could not help but walk in curiously.

Then I couldn't help but join the ranks of snapping up.

There's no way, it's really the vegetables and fruits in the supermarket. It looks high quality, and smells the pure taste of vegetables and fruits. In addition, everyone is robbing, and I can't help but be driven to grab it.

Except for slums and black households, most people in the federation have a fixed source of income. In addition to using nutritional supplements, they also buy some native ingredients for cooking every week.

It's just that I don't have a recipe, and I just make some very simple varieties, so I'm lazy.

Now there are free recipes to download in supermarkets, these people are very interested and want to buy them back and try them.

At about nine o'clock, all the vegetables, fruits, and even seasonings in the supermarket were sold out, and many people who came later didn't even grab a green onion, which made them very speechless.

But this supermarket also gave birth to a more curious and persistent psychology. After asking clearly, the supermarket will open at 8 o'clock every night and will continue to add ingredients. Many people think that they must come early tomorrow.

The next day, many packages were packed and mailed from the farm early in the morning.

Xia Ruo spent money to open her personal webpage for live broadcast, and then listed the ingredients and quantities that will be put on the shelves in the supermarket today, and posted them with photos.

Also opened a post, the following people can post comments.

Most of the people who snapped up yesterday went because of the live broadcast. Today, they found out about their personal updates, and they all couldn't help but leave a message.

"Yesterday, I was lucky enough to snatch the ingredients for a fish-flavored eggplant box. Although it is not as delicious as the host's, I am amazed by myself. It is so delicious!"

"The vegetables in the anchor's supermarket are very fresh and tender, and they are much more delicious than the same kind of native vegetables I bought before. I ordered four bowls of rice yesterday just for one plate of vegetarian fried cabbage."

"Besides delicious, I don't know what words to use to describe it!"

"I always thought I was a vegetable slag, but according to the anchor's video, the egg potato pancakes I made were delicious. I just went to the kitchen to wash my hands, and when I came back, I found that my husband ate most of it in one go. I almost Hammer him to death!"

"Not only the vegetables, but the oranges I bought yesterday are also super delicious. The skin is thin, juicy and sweet. I'm going to grab another two catties tonight. It would be great if there were no restrictions on purchases!"

"Yes! It would be great if there were no purchase restrictions!"

"Ahem, it's actually good to limit purchases, otherwise I might not even be able to grab the vegetable leaves when I went in yesterday!"

Yes, the supermarket implements a purchase restriction policy. The purchase limit of each vegetable is three catties, and the fruit is two catties. Otherwise, they will be sold out before nine o'clock.

In the comments below, occasionally a bad comment will be mixed in.

But it will be scolded soon, and everyone who grabs the food knows that it is most likely caused by other supermarkets or envious people.

Xia Ruo is not surprised by everyone's unanimous praise. Although the aura of these vegetables and fruits she sells is the lowest, they are better than the best quality raw materials in the world.

Most of them are planted from the seeds and saplings she brought from the ancient earth, and they are completely authentic.

Fu Yibin and the logistics students who came to work did not expect that the supermarket would be so popular as soon as it opened, and they were completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, they finally understood what Xia Ruo said before, that the supermarket will never close when it opens beyond midnight.

In the entire virtual world, they are afraid that only their supermarket will close within two hours of opening, and then they will suffer from a bunch of complaints from customers who are useless to grab ingredients.

Feng Yan is also paying attention to the situation in the supermarket. Seeing how hot it is, he feels a sense of pride from the bottom of his heart, as expected of the woman he likes, she is so good!

Yes, after a few days of online research and reflection, as well as getting along with Xia Ruo, Feng Bawang has also recognized a reality. He seems to really like Xia Ruo...

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~

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