Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 277 Seizing the Opportunity

It's not easy for Xia Ruo to let Feng Yi and Feng Yan stand in the kitchen and watch them.

Turning to Feng Yan, he said, "You go to the private room to accompany your two elder brothers, and I'll ask others to come over and help wash the vegetables!"

Feng Yan nodded: "Okay, then call me if you have something to do!"

Then he took the two brothers to his private room.

The three of them just sat down for a while when Xia Ruo came in from outside with three cups of coffee and some desserts.

"That Mr. Jules is here, tell me, I'll send someone to serve!"

Feng Yi smelled the aroma of coffee, but it was different from the one he had drunk before.

He picked it up and took a sip, and immediately felt the aroma was strong, "This coffee is really delicious, Ruoruo, your coffee is different from the ones you buy outside?"

Coffee can refresh one's mind. He has already developed the habit of drinking coffee, but it's not that bad to drink.

But after drinking Xia Ruo served this, I suddenly felt that what I drank before was all the hell...

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "This is the Blue Mountain coffee from the ancient earth period. I tried to plant it successfully on the farm. I just let you try it today!"

Feng Yan also picked up the cup and took a sip. He also liked the taste, "It's very good, much better than the coffee we usually drink!"

He usually drinks both tea and coffee, and since drinking the tea his brother gave him, he has never had the same kind of tea as before.

He felt that after drinking this coffee now, he drank good coffee before, and he would never want to touch it again.

Xia Ruo took out two cans of coffee and handed them to the two of them respectively, "Just as long as you like it, there aren't too many coffee beans right now, just drink it first, and tell Feng Yan when you're done, and let him bring it to you!"

The people of the Feng family are very kind to themselves, and Xia Ruo is not a white-eyed wolf, and it is right to give away good things to maintain a good relationship.

Feng Yi accepted the coffee with a smile, "My own, I won't be polite to you!"

Feng Yan and Xia Ruo didn't spend much time together, but they also treated her as one of their own, "Then I won't be polite!"

"You guys talk first, I'll continue to prepare meals!" Xia Ruo was afraid that Feng Yan could not make coffee well, so he made it himself and brought it over.

Feng Yan nodded and said with a smile: "It's a pity for you!"

After Xia Ruo left the private room, Feng Yan looked at his younger brother meaningfully and said, "San'er, Xia Ruo is a good girl!"

My younger brother was really lucky. He met a girl like Xia Ruo who went to the hall and went to the kitchen with a good personality.

Feng Yan raised his head and looked at his elder brother inexplicably, "She's really fine! What's wrong?"

Feng Yan wanted to help his forehead, "Ahem, it's nothing, I just sigh!"

Feng Yi stood up, walked over and put his arms around Feng Yan's shoulders, and asked in a low voice: "San'er, don't you have any thoughts about Xia Ruo?"

Feng Yan's body froze, "What do you think?"

Feng Yi laughed softly: "I feel your stiffness, I know it!"

That's right, if she didn't realize that she was interested in Xia Ruo, it would be impossible for her San'er to take her to the movies.

He let go of Feng Yan, returned to his seat and drank coffee.

Feng Yan said speechlessly: "Second brother, what do you know?"

Feng Yi smiled and said: "It's nothing, I also think Ruoruo is pretty good, you just have to seize the opportunity yourself!"

Feng Yan already understood, but he didn't expect his brother to see what he was thinking, and coughed lightly: "En!"

As expected, Xia Ruo was the one he fell in love with, she was so good, even the two elder brothers with high eyes thought it was good.

The two brothers Feng Yi didn't want to talk too much, as long as their precious brother knew clearly, but they really didn't expect that their brother, who was always domineering and wanton, would have such a pure and innocent side.

I’m too stuck writing today, woo woo~~ There’s still one more chapter in half an hour, let’s read it later~~

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