As soon as Xia Ruo came in, Feng Yi waved at her.

"Ruo Ruo, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Jules, the distinguished guest of the Silver Dragon Empire!"

He said to Jules again: "This is Xia Ruo, the person you want to meet!"

Jules was surprised when he saw Xia Ruo. He really didn't expect the person he was going to meet to be so young and beautiful.

Xia Ruo stretched out her hand with an elegant smile, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jules!"

Only then did Jules come back to his senses, stretched out his hand and shook her with a smile, "Nice to meet you too, Miss Xia!"

Xia Ruo sat next to Feng Yan and introduced the dishes on the table, "I don't know what kind of dishes Mr. Jules likes, so I made these. Are you satisfied after a taste?"

Jules couldn't wait a long time ago, and said with a smile: "Miss Xia is really polite, then I will try it!"

He picked up a piece of Dongpo meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth, his eyes were full of brilliance.

Then he tried other dishes, each of which was his favorite, and most importantly, it was delicious.

If they used to eat with others, they would usually chat while eating, but today Jules was attracted by the delicious food at the table, and couldn't stop eating at all, only knowing how to move his chopsticks and bury his head in eating.

Seeing this, Feng Yi and Feng Yan did not open their mouths sensibly, but also began to eat. The dishes on the table made their taste buds wide open. The movements of picking up the dishes were very elegant, but the speed was not slow at all.

Feng Yan also joined the ranks of grabbing food, and there were several dishes that he had never tried before.

On the contrary, Xia Ruo ate relatively less, and she was very happy to see that everyone liked to eat the dishes she made.

After more than half an hour, not only the dishes on the table were wiped out, but there were not many desserts and fruits left on the table.

Jules sat on the seat with a greasy belly and a satisfied face, "Delicious, the dishes made by Miss Xia are really delicious!"

"And the ingredients you use are of very high quality. This is the most delicious and satisfying meal I've had in so many years. It's great!" He gave a thumbs up.

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Mr. Jules is absurd!"

Jules thought about it and asked: "Miss Xia, I heard that you have a ranch. Are all the native ingredients for cooking today grown on your farm?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes!"

"That would be great!"

Jules smiled and said: "I just like food. I am very satisfied with the quality of your ingredients. I wonder if you can send some of them to the Silver Dragon Empire every day in the future? The price is negotiable!"

As a gourmet, his taste buds have been trained to be very tricky. The deliciousness of this table is not only due to Xia Ruo's superb cooking skills, but also the super high-quality ingredients.

And he felt that there was a trace of aura in these ingredients, and it would definitely be good for the body if eaten for a long time.

That's why he wants to buy the native ingredients grown in Xiaruo Farm, so that he can enjoy them every day.

Xia Ruo said: "Isn't it a little troublesome to deliver every day? The cost will be relatively high."

"The high cost is not a problem. The main purpose of each delivery is to ensure the freshness of the ingredients. You can include all the prices in this aspect, and then we will draw up a contract!" In order to eat such fresh and aura ingredients, Jules doesn't care about money.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "My farm has quite a lot of ingredients. Mr. Jules can go and have a look some other day. You are sure you are satisfied. Let's discuss cooperation and decide on the dishes by the way!"

There was a big fat sheep in front of him, and if he didn't slaughter it, he would be too sorry for the other party's initiative to take the bait, and it wasn't Xia Ruo's way of doing things.

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