Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 283 It's Amazing

Five minutes later, Jules woke up and opened his eyes.

At this time, Xia Ruo asked the medical staff to move him to lie on the sofa. He was a little confused at first, and then remembered that he was sick.

He was groggy at the time, but still had a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

Helping me to sit up, he looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "Did Miss Xia help me control my illness just now?"

According to the past situation, the time of his illness will not be so short, and it will be accompanied by many sequelae.

But now he feels that his whole body is normal, as if the previous illness was just an illusion.

Xia Ruo smiled lightly and said, "Well, your situation was more critical just now, so I used ancient medical methods to treat it!"

Jules has never felt so relaxed in his body since he fell ill. "An ancient doctor's method? Just use that kind of needle to pierce the body?"

"Of course not. You have to pierce different acupoints according to your condition to control the disease. It may be a bit incomprehensible to you, but this is the essence of China in our ancient earth period!" Xia Ruo replied.

The Silver Dragon Empire is the original inhabitant of this universe, so naturally they don't understand Chinese medicine, acupuncture, etc.

Jules nodded: "It's really incomprehensible, it's too suspenseful!"

He smiled and continued, "If I hadn't experienced it myself, even if I was killed, I would never believe that a few needles can cure a disease."

Then he changed his mind and asked: "Miss Xia, can you judge my illness? I seem to have heard you say epilepsy before?"

Xia Ruo explained: "Your disease is called epilepsy in our ancient medical records. It is a chronic recurrent short-term brain dysfunction syndrome, accompanied by respiratory tract infection, cerebral edema, respiratory acidosis, acute renal failure, etc. disease."

"I just checked your pulse for you and found that your epilepsy is hereditary. It should have occurred when you were five years old. After that, each seizure will become more critical, and the duration of the seizure will increase each time."

"But fortunately, you only have a respiratory infection and cerebral edema, and it's not serious enough to cause acute renal failure. Otherwise, you will need a kidney transplant, and your life will be in danger."

Hearing Xia Ruo's words, Jules widened his eyes. He really didn't expect that she would be able to see so many problems by taking a pulse!

Their family is relatively large, and the files among their direct descendants are absolutely top-secret, especially for someone with a case like him, it is absolutely impossible for them to leak out.

He was indeed five years old when he became ill, and it was also a family hereditary disease. Every time and the condition would be serious, Xia Ruo could tell it, it was amazing!

"Miss Xia, I didn't expect that you are not only good at cooking, but also have superb medical skills!" Jules sighed.

Xia Ruo smiled: "Mr. Jules is absurd!"

Jules didn't think it was his own praise at all, he was going to go down and check Xia Ruo's situation carefully.

"Miss Xia, will my illness recur in the next few days?" He asked worriedly.

Xia Ruo said: "No, I just used golden needles to help you control it, and you won't get sick again in a month or two!"

"Recently, you should pay more attention to rest, don't stay up late, don't eat particularly greasy and irritating food, and don't drink alcohol!"

Jules breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I'll pay attention."

"Miss Xia, can I take the liberty to ask, can my disease be cured?"

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