They followed Xia Ruo to the room above the office where she was specially cleaned up for medical treatment.

The room is composed of three small rooms, the outermost is for seeing a doctor, the inner one is an acupuncture room with three beds, and the other is a dispensing room.

Xia Ruo walked over and sat down, looked up at several people, "Which one of you will look first?"

A middle-aged man walked over with a smile and sat opposite her, "I'll go first."

Xia Ruo nodded, pointed to the cushion on the table, "Put one hand on it."

The middle-aged man casually stretched out his left hand and put it on, Xia Ruo began to feel his pulse.

Tens of seconds later, Xia Ruo said, "You have flatulence in your abdomen, and you suffer from chronic enteritis!"

"It is not a serious illness to experience nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain from time to time!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment with his casual expression, "You can see this by touching your hands?"

They came here on a whim today to ask Xia Ruo to help see the doctor, so it was impossible for her to prepare in advance.

Xia Ruo smiled helplessly: "It's not touching hands, but feeling the pulse!"

"Judging your physical condition based on your pulse, this is the medical treatment method of our ancient federal doctors. You may not understand it, but we don't use instruments when we see a doctor. The key point is to see, hear and ask!"

The middle-aged man half-comprehensively said: "It turns out that you see a doctor through the veins, which is a bit unbelievable!"

Jules has checked ancient medicine and studied a lot of information, "I also think it's amazing, but there is such an ancient medicine in the Federation, using golden needles and ancient medicine for treatment, it has miraculous effects on many chronic diseases!"

It's just that the inheritance of ancient medicine in the Federation has almost been cut off. There are few groups in the first place, and there are no outstanding ones in this respect.

Xia Ruo appeared only recently, and it also made people see that ancient doctors are really powerful.

The middle-aged man couldn't believe it, but the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

"Miss Xia, can my illness be cured?"

It's really not a serious illness for him, it's just that the hospital can't cure this chronic disease. Every time he gets sick, he goes to the hospital to treat him with equipment, which can relieve the pain, but it's really annoying if he can't get rid of the root.

After all, every time he fell ill, he was still in great pain.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Of course it can be cured, and acupuncture is not needed, just take pills."

"Miss Xia, will you help me prepare the pills?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Xia Ruo said: "I am the only one who can make this kind of pill. It will take about a week to take effect, and you will not have another attack. Take it for a month and you will be able to heal the root!"

"Yes, of course!" The middle-aged man added: "I also ask Miss Xia to help me prepare for a month, and I will pay for the medicine."

Raw medicinal materials are more expensive, so naturally he couldn't let Xia Ruobai produce them, and he was also worried that she wouldn't give them.

"We'll discuss this later!"


Immediately, an older person came over and sat down, and consciously put one hand on the table.

Xia Ruo felt the pulse, "You have low immunity, often constipated, physically weak!"

"This can also be recuperated by taking medicine!"


Soon, the six people who came with Jules were all watched.

Xia Ruo not only accurately stated their illnesses, but also deduced some of their bad living habits and asked them to change them.

This also made the six people stunned. Their chronic diseases are not so accurate when detected by instruments. Xia Ruo can understand all of them by taking the pulse. This medical skill is too good!

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