Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 294 You Have Such a Great Face?

The three chatted while drinking coffee.

Feng Yi smiled and talked about today's events.

"I took Jules and the others to eat at one of the best original restaurants in the imperial capital at noon. They shook their heads after trying every dish at random, saying that it was far worse than breakfast."

He said to Xia Ruo: "If these guys go to eat a few meals by themselves, they will definitely rely on the ingredients from your farm!"

Several people headed by Jules are foodies. Even if they are not foodies, they were conquered by today's breakfast.

Xia Ruo chuckled lightly: "This is just right, I can beat them for a fortune, or a long-term deal!"

"They are all big fat sheep, and they have a high pursuit of eating, drinking and having fun. If your fee is low, they may think that the quality is not good. It is absolutely fine to knock hard." Feng Yi was originally a black-bellied businessman.

Xia Ruo nodded with a smile, "After hearing what my second brother said, I can do it with confidence!"

Feng Yan took a sip of his coffee and asked, "Second brother, are you all just eating today? There's no need to talk about Yinsencao?"

Feng Yi hooked his lips, "Of course we did!"

"Originally, Jules and the others were really planning to give most of the purchase rights of Yinsencao to the Wisteria Empire, but with Ruo Ruo taking care of the doctor, and after eating that breakfast and seeing the quality of the farm's ingredients, They all changed their minds."

"They signed a contract with me. As long as the disease on my body is completely cured, the Yinsencao will be transported over immediately!"

"Now ship a part of it as a deposit!"

He proudly continued: "In a few days, I will definitely surprise the guys who were not optimistic about our company in the imperial capital before!"

"Ruoruo, it's thanks to you that I can get the main purchase right of Yinsencao this time! Feel free to find the second brother in the future!"

Xia Ruo smiled: "It's also good luck, just happened to meet Jules who fell ill, otherwise it would be difficult to do it!"

"Coincidentally, the people Jules brought today are more or less sick, which also unifies their opinions. Otherwise, Jules alone may not be able to make a decision!" Feng Yi laughed.

Xia Ruo said: "They are high-level executives of a large business group. They usually have a lot of entertainment. Drinking is unavoidable. Sometimes they will be anxious when things go wrong, or they often stay up late, so they will have some physical problems."

"The contract for Yinsencao has been signed. What they care about most is the pills. If you have time, you can help them prepare them. The fee can also be slaughtered." Feng Yi himself wanted to slaughter the big fat sheep, but Jules and others People are not fools, he has no chance of normal business.

Xia Ruo nodded with a smile: "I'll configure it in the past few days, and then kill them hard!"

She is quite short of money, and the investment in the food factory is quite large, and the fat sheep just happened to be delivered to her door.

"When will Jules's remaining two acupuncture sessions be? He received a notice from the Silver Dragon Empire to return to China as soon as possible, and asked me to ask you!" Feng Yi suddenly remembered.

Xia Ruo replied: "It's enough to come once every other day!"

"It's just that I'm going back to school tomorrow, so it's hard to get out!"

Feng Yi waved his hand, "It's no problem, I'll say hello to the person in charge of this at your school when the time comes, and it's fine if you find time to come out and help them with acupuncture."

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled, "Okay!"

Then she smiled and asked, "Can you come out if you have something to say hello?"

Feng Yi drank his coffee comfortably and said, "No problem!"

"Second brother's face is really great!" Xia Ruo sighed, otherwise the school would be very strict about going out.

Feng Yan leaned in front of her and said, "It's the same when I say it!"

"You also have such a big face?" Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows.

Feng Yan took it for granted: "The principal is my aunt, do you think I have that much face?"

Xia Ruo was stunned for a moment, she felt strange before, why didn't this guy go to the first college, it turned out that the principal of their college was his aunt, this guy doesn't walk sideways in the second college, who can walk sideways?

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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