Xia Ruo kicked his calf, "Bastard, you are the male Tyrannosaurus!"

She didn't use much force, Feng Yan felt itchy after being kicked, and blurted out, "Isn't that just right, a male and a female can just make a pair!"

Xia Ruo rolled his eyes at him, "It's a beautiful idea!"

Then he walked forward quickly, Feng Yan touched his nose, and Tao Hua chased after him with a smile in his eyes.

The glow fell on the two people who were chasing one after the other, it was warm!

Early the next morning, Xia Ruo went downstairs after washing, Feng Yan had already finished exercising and came back to wait.

"Do you want to eat scallion pancakes this morning?" He walked over and said.

Xia Ruo glanced at him, "The female tyrannosaur can't make scallion pancakes!"

Feng Yan laughed, "Are you still angry?"

"Why don't you hit me a few times to vent your anger?" He tugged at her arm, and his handsome face leaned over to please her.

Xia Ruo had a cold face, but there was a smile in her eyes, "Your skin is too thick, it hurts to hit you!"

"How about some kicks?" Feng Yan moved closer.

His breath sprayed on Xia Ruo's face, and the clear smell of his body lingered on the tip of her nose, and her heart fluctuated.

Pushing away his face that was getting closer, "Smelly rascal!"

Then she went into the kitchen, and still made scallion pancakes and shrimp dumplings, and boiled preserved egg and lean pork porridge!

Feng Yan ate with a smile on his face, and habitually took the initiative to clean up the table.

Then they drove the suspension car, and the two went to school together.

Xia Ruo didn't have to go back to the dormitory and went directly to the teaching building. Feng Yan sent her downstairs before turning around and going to the teaching building of the Combat Department.

Many people saw this scene, and they confirmed the rumors in their hearts.

It is possible that Feng Bawang and Xia Ruo are really dating, but he has never sent that girl to class before.

It's just that because Feng Bawang's usual deterrence is too deep, many people only dare to discuss it behind their backs, but dare not say anything in front of him.

Xia Ruo also gradually integrated in the logistics department. Everyone found that she was not as gloomy as last semester. In addition, she offered a lot of work-study positions, and many students tried to make friends with her.

Xia Ruo has a good temper and is very straightforward, so she quickly won the favor of these people.

After the morning class, Xia Ruo saw Feng Yan standing outside the door as soon as Xia Ruo went out.

She walked over, "You are very fast."

Feng Yan smiled and said, "That's right, let's go back to the dormitory!"

"You return yours, I'll return mine!" Xia Ruo nodded.

Feng Yan immediately begged for mercy, "Is it okay if I'm wrong? Didn't you agree to cook in our dormitory?"

Xia Ruo looked at him with a half-smile, "When did you say that?"

"Yesterday! I still said it in front of my second brother."

Feng Yan continued to display his rascal nature, "How about I call my second brother to verify it in person?"

Seeing that he really wanted to dial, Xia Ruo knew that this guy would definitely be able to do it, so she glared at him, "Shameless, lead the way!"

"Okay!" Feng Yanjun's face was filled with a rare bright smile.

Usually his school bully image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he is cool, handsome and attractive, no one has ever seen him with such a bright smile, and many girls who peeked at him couldn't help but blush.

Young Master Feng really looks good when he smiles like this!

They felt a kind of envy and jealousy towards Xia Ruoqiqi, and they couldn't figure out what was so special about her that could attract the school bully who always regarded women like a scourge?

Is it because of her good looks? Young Master Feng shouldn't be that superficial, right?

Soon, Feng Bawang sent Xia Ruo to class, and the news that Xia Ruo was dismissed from get out of class spread all over the campus!

Continue at 14 o'clock~~

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