Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 298 Do You Think I'm You?

After dinner, Feng Yan sent Xia Ruo back to the dormitory.

"I'll pick you up this afternoon!"

Xia Ruo looked at him with a smile, "Why did you come to pick me up? It's not that I don't know the way!"

"We have a partner in class together, so it's decided!" Naturally, Feng Yan would not tell Xia Ruo that he saw this on the Internet, and ran away without saying a word.

Xia Ruo laughed when she saw Feng Yan's running back, now she doesn't have to guess, this guy is probably interested in her!

But if Feng Yan didn't open his mouth to chase her, she wouldn't point it out.

Besides, chasing her is not so easy, she has not forgotten the domineering look of this guy when she just met, hum!

After returning to the dormitory and taking a nap, Xia Ruo and Shui Yini went out together.

Feng Yan leaned against the big tree outside the gate, with one hand in his trouser pocket, the wind blew through his broken hair, and the sun shone through the mottled leaves on his handsome face. Ruffian, so good-looking that people can't take their eyes off!

The girls living nearby came out of the dormitory and couldn't help but be attracted by him!

The national school grass is not talking about playing, it is really handsome!

Shui Yini couldn't move her eyes when she saw Feng Yan, but she just admired the handsome man, so she forcibly averted her eyes and abducted Xia Ruo with her hands.

"The school grass is here to pick you up again!"

Although Xia Ruo said that she and Feng Yan are just friends, anyone who is not blind can tell that this is Feng Yan's way of chasing girls!

Xia Ruo said indifferently: "Well, he said it this morning!"

"Tsk tsk, you are now the public enemy of most girls in the college, and you have broken the hearts of women all over the world!" Shui Yini sighed.

She finds it easy to fall in love with a man like Feng Yan, after all he is so outstanding and eye-catching.

But it's also a kind of sadness, because unless such a man has a heart for someone, the sincerity that anyone holds will be thrown back and trampled on by himself. He doesn't know what a gentleman is to a girl at all.

I can't help but feel lucky, fortunately she and Luo Ning are not Feng Yan's suitors, otherwise it would be heartbreaking to see him like this.

Xia Ruo was a little speechless, "He messed with the peach blossoms, what do I care about!"

Why do women make things difficult for women, but those women don't find men when they have problems, and they insist on jealousy and hatred on women.

"No way, who made him so good!" Shui Yini was sure that even if Feng Yan didn't have a proud background, his looks, temperament and ability alone would be able to charm a lot of girls.

Of course, with the blessing of identity and background, the effect is even more amazing!

"Let's go!" Xia Ruo smiled.

Shui Yini gently pushed Xia Ruo, "Go, I have an appointment with someone to go there together!"

She didn't want to be a light bulb anymore, and before Xia Ruo could speak, she called a girl in the same class and left.

Xia Ruo smiled helplessly, and walked towards Feng Yan, "Let's go, Sao Bao!"

Feng Yan rubbed his nose, and said innocently, "Where did I flirt?"

Xia Ruo swept him from head to toe, "My whole body exudes an aura that I'm very flirtatious!"

Feng Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Will you talk properly?"

"Are you still going?" Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows.


Feng Yan approached her and walked side by side, Jun Yan kept smiling, "Mecha combat and actual combat training will be arranged starting this week, do you need me to help you make up for the lessons?"

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Do you think I'm you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Feng Yan was puzzled.

Xia Ruo said: "If you don't use my supplementary lessons, you will fail the exam!"

"You!" Feng Yan choked, and there was a trace of pampering in his eyes that he didn't know, "Can you still chat happily?"


"Female Tyrannosaurus!"

"Get out!"

This book was originally intended to take the interstellar fantasy route, and when I wrote it here, I found that I didn't know where it went~~~ Develop a career, and then interact with the male protagonist under the cookie, this is what the previous three books did not I have tried it, and I feel that the writing is quite cheerful, so I will continue to continue this style and route (so there should not be many things about cultivation in this book) ~~~ Haha~~~~ Continue at 15:30~~ ~

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