Xia Ruo put the plate of cookies on the table.

"I heard from Feng Yan that my second brother likes to eat pastries, so I baked some cookies, see if you like them!"

The two brothers Feng Yan washed their hands, and each took a piece to taste.

"It's delicious, I like it!" Feng Yi narrowed his eyes.

Feng Yan usually doesn't eat sweets and pastries, but as long as Xia Ruo likes them, he will eat more.

"This is more delicious than a cream cake, and you can bake it several times in the future!" After he finished speaking, he reached for another one.

"Okay, I'll bake some later and take it to school!" Xia Ruo is in a good mood today.

Feng Yi immediately said: "Then I'll have the cheek to ask you to bake more, and I'll take some back to eat too!"

It tasted so much to his liking!

Xia Ruo got up and smiled, "I'm going to bake now!"

While baking the cookies, she went back to the living room.

Brother Feng Yi had already finished eating the cookies on the plate, but there were a few cookies placed beside the coffee cup in front of Xia Ruo, and it looked like Feng Yan had left them for her.

Feng Yi picked up the coffee and took a sip, then asked with a smile, "If you let me come back, you don't just want me to taste the cookies, do you?"

Xia Ruo didn't go around in circles, "I want to ask my second brother about the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire!"

Feng Yi was a little surprised, but thinking of Xia Ruo and Jules asking for a terminal number before, he guessed that she might want to expand the business.

"I do know something about the royal family of the Silver Dragon Empire, so I will tell you what I know."

"The concubine of the Silver Dragon Empire is called Xia Xuan, and she married the crown prince Yan Lingfeng three months ago. This marriage was decided by Yan Lingfeng's successor, and it must have been to scare him back then."

Hearing that the crown princess was called Xia Xuan, Xia Ruo tightened her hand holding the cookie, her sister's name was also Xia Xuan.

"Why the diaphragm? Is the princess not good?" she asked.

Feng Yi replied: "The crown princess's natal family is a big family in the Silver Dragon Empire, but her mother died young, and soon her father married a stepmother, and then her father does not love her or her mother."

"Her talent is double B, relatively mediocre, and she has never been able to awaken Eudemons, so she is not taken seriously, she is completely transparent!"

Xia Ruo frowned slightly, "In this case, the emperor will agree?"

"The emperor disagreed at first, but then he matched the spiritual power of the two, and the matching value reached 99%."

"This means that even if Xia Xuan can't awaken the phantom beast, as long as they become husband and wife, she can use her spiritual power to relieve Yan Lingfeng's pain and situation of backlash."

"The doctors and pharmacists at the Silver Dragon Empire did not diagnose Yan Lingfeng very well. They said that the possibility of recovery is very small, and they can only rely on their partners to relieve the pain."

Feng Yi paused and said: "Although Xia Xuan is not taken seriously, she is more beautiful and was named the most beautiful woman in the empire."

"The emperor of the Silver Dragon Empire considered these two aspects and agreed to the marriage!"

"This is my guess. Yan Lingfeng's mental strength is seriously damaged. It's hard to say whether he can inherit the throne in the future. The emperor may have plans to give up on him. Otherwise, he should be allowed to marry a concubine who has a high-level appeasement beast, or Marry into a favored woman from a big family, not just follow her."

Immediately, Feng Yi's lips curled into a slightly mocking arc, "Who knew that not long after Xia Xuan married Yan Lingfeng, she suddenly awakened a phantom beast, which is also a rare and unique phoenix, and also a comforting phantom beast. "

"I recently received news that Yan Lingfeng's phantom beast has been appeased a lot, and his mental strength has also recovered. The Crown Princess has contributed a lot."

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~ The latest update time is a bit unstable, I will try to adjust the posting time after I have been busy for a few days~~

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