After listening to Feng Yi's analysis, Xia Ruo felt very upset.

Now that she's married, why go to a night party with her ex-fiancée, who was photographed and exposed, how embarrassing her sister is!

It doesn't matter if her sister has no feelings for Yan Lingfeng, but if she has feelings, it will hurt her sister too much.

According to her sister's personality, if she hated Yan Lingfeng, it should be impossible to marry him.

If they were already married when they traveled here, they would not take the initiative to expose the awakening of the phoenix, let alone comfort and relieve the other party's mental strength, but would try to find a way to divorce in a low-key manner.

This made her have a bad impression of Yan Lingfeng, she felt sorry for her sister, and wanted to rush to the Silver Dragon Empire to find her sister right now, but it was obviously unrealistic, and she had to make a long-term plan.

"Can we see news from the Silver Dragon Empire?" Xia Ruo asked.

Feng Yi replied: "You need to have an account on the virtual network of the International Pass to be able to see it."

Feng Yan felt that Xia Ruo was very concerned about the affairs of the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire, so he raised his hand, "My account has an international virtual account pass. If you want to watch it, you can use my terminal!"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Okay!"

Feng Yi has come into contact with a lot of women, so he guesses that Xia Ruo is just a normal girl who wants to fight for the princess, so he may want to see the follow-up progress.

So without thinking too much, he sat down for a while, drank his coffee, and left the farm with Xia Ruo's packaged cookies.

After sending Feng Yi away, Xia Ruo said to Feng Yan when she returned to the villa, "I'll borrow your terminal, let me go and have a look!"

"You care about that princess!" Feng Yan took the terminal from his hand and handed it to her.

Xia Ruo took the terminal and said: "Her surname is Xia, I always feel very kind, and I hate the scumbag who is married and still messing around outside. I think that princess is very innocent!"

Feng Yan immediately reassured: "Scumbags are only a minority. I won't be like Yan Lingfeng. From now on, I will only treat my wife well, and I will never treat other women."

Xia Ruo was in an irritable and depressed mood, but after hearing what he said, it got better.

She chuckled and said, "Your wife doesn't even know where she is. You, a single dog, are not qualified to say such things!"

Feng Yan choked, and he puffed out his chest, "What's wrong with the single dog? Can't you get out of the single?"

"Anyway, I'm definitely a good man who is dedicated to feelings!" He said firmly.

Xia Ruo laughed: "It's useless to say that, those scumbags don't all say that they are good men with single-minded feelings, what about in the end?"

"Then you just wait and see!" Feng Yan still believed in himself.

Xia Ruo pinched his handsome face, "It depends on your future wife, it's useless for you to tell me so much!"

Feng Yan became anxious, "Why is it useless? You are not a woman yet!"

"I'm a woman, but I'm not your wife!"

Xia Ruo gave him a blank look, fiddled with the terminal and said, "Come and see, how can I connect to the international network!"

Feng Yan murmured in his heart, now is not the future.

But he didn't dare to say it directly, he was afraid of breaking the current happiness with Xia Ruo, and also afraid of making her angry, after all, he didn't know what she was thinking.

He approached Xia Ruo, stretched out his hand and clicked on the terminal, and soon a projection of a web page appeared in front of the two of them, and they could directly swipe on the projection to watch or retrieve it.

Xia Ruo clicked on the largest news website of the Silver Dragon Kingdom, and all the headlines were news about the ex-fiancée of the Prince of the Silver Dragon Empire's night party.

Continue at 15 o'clock~~

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