Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 315 She's still mad at me

Xia Ruo didn't know that the two guqin pieces she played in class made her famous!

At this time, after she entered the farm, she continued to germinate the mature cherries to make them taste sweeter!

At the same time, the Emperor of the Silver Dragon Empire.

Today the royal family held a banquet, and people of high status attended the event.

Crown Prince Yan Lingfeng and Crown Princess Xia Xuan also attended.

Xia Xuan was wearing a floor-length red dress, which made her even more glamorous and unparalleled. Her body was exquisite and enchanting, her makeup was exquisite and charming, and she also carried a flamboyant aura like a queen.

As soon as she entered, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Yan Lingfeng was wearing a well-fitting smoky gray suit. His figure was tall and handsome, with a kind of noble and domineering aura of a superior, and his whole body exuded a kind of coldness and sharpness.

It seems that a word came out of nowhere in everyone's mind, what a pair of lovers!

After entering the arena, Xia Xuan let go of Yan Lingfeng's hand, with a smile on her bright face, but her tone was very cold, "Everyone plays their own way, call me when you leave later!"

Before Yan Lingfeng could speak, she turned around and walked towards the wine table, casually picked up a glass of red wine, went to a corner sofa and sat down to taste it slowly.

Yan Lingfeng's eyes were tinged with helplessness. This woman is too different from the information she saw when she was married. Presence look?

I don't know if it was because I hid it too well before, or because my personality has changed drastically after experiencing those things or awakening the Eudemons.

After all, their relationship gradually became better. Who knew that a piece of news would return to its original form, and he felt powerless!

At this time, a handsome young man came over and said with a smile, "What are you doing?"

Yan Lingfeng regained his senses, looked at his friend and said, "Think about something!"

"Go and sit down, we haven't met for a long time, let's have a drink!"


The two went to another corner and sat down. There were several people on the sofa.

They and Yan Lingfeng are good friends, and their relationship is very strong. After his mental strength was damaged and he could no longer fight, they still stood by his side.

A few people chatted quickly.

A seemingly cynical man looked at Yan Lingfeng and asked with a meaningful smile: "Your Highness, you are really cruel! You actually let our princess sit there alone drinking, why don't you come over and sit down together? "

In the past, they were very unfavorable to the princess, especially when they met for the first time, she was clearly a gorgeous and bright beauty, but she was cowardly and cowardly like a little white flower. At that time, they all felt sorry for their friend!

Unexpectedly, after awakening the Eudemons, Xia Xuan changed, her aura was completely different from before, and the queenly style she brought with her matched the gorgeous appearance of Zhang Tianxia.

Yan Lingfeng said helplessly, "She's still angry with me, she won't come over."

These few people are not only his trusted supporters, but also brothers who have played together since childhood, so he did not hide it.

"What about the night news?"

"Well, after the news came out, she ignored me!"

"I wouldn't bother you if it were me. You actually opened the door for that woman in the middle of the night."

"You can't really let her go, can you?"

None of the people present had a good impression of Yan Lingfeng's ex-fiancee.

Yan Lingfeng rubbed the center of his brows, "You guys are overthinking, that night was just a coincidence."

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