Yan Lingfeng's friends were also stunned, obviously surprised that the Crown Princess would speak so rudely.

Although they didn't like Gongsun Shiqi very much, they really couldn't deny her talent and accomplishments in piano.

If Xia Xuan made such sarcastic remarks, if she couldn't end the scene after a while, it would only be her and Yan Lingfeng who would be ashamed.

One person's face darkened, "The princess is too willful!"

This is a royal palace banquet, and all the people who come here are from the upper class. If the news gets out, Yan Lingfeng will be ashamed, and it may even affect his reputation among the people.

After all, the princess is now the wife of the prince, and her words and deeds are very important.

All the high-level members of the Xia family had ugly expressions on their faces. Xia Xuan is disgracing the Xia family!

"Well, I don't know what to say!" The cynical man sighed, disappointed in Xia Xuan.

Before, I thought that the crown princess had become very good. Not only did awakening the phantom beasts comfort and refresh the crown prince's mental strength, but the aura was also completely calming down.

Who knew it would come out like this!

People on the prince's side obviously disapproved and disapproved of what Xia Xuan did just now. If you don't have that diamond, don't take on that porcelain job, or you will harm others and yourself.

Everyone on the second prince's side showed joy. It's good that the crown princess was so stimulated, they had to build momentum after the banquet.

They thought that Xia Xuan was the prince's pig teammate, and they welcomed her to say such nonsensical words a few more times.

When Gongsun Shiqi heard Xia Ruo's words, all the displeasure in his heart disappeared.

Her appearance and temperament are more beautiful and gentle, and Xia Xuan is completely two extreme types.

She said with a generous smile: "I never thought the Crown Princess would look down on my piano skills so much."

"Then I wonder if I can ask you to play a song and teach me?" She just wanted Xia Xuan to lose face today if she couldn't find the steps.

What Xia Xuan was actually waiting for was her words, she curled her lips flamboyantly, "I'm not interested in performing arts, but it's hard to teach me!"

Gongsun Shiqi snorted coldly in disdain, but made a gesture of invitation on his face, "Then the princess please!"

Xia Xuan was also polite, and sat in front of the piano in front of everyone.

She raised her head with a beautiful face, looked at Gongsun Shiqi and said, "I don't like the song you talked about just now, why don't you change it?"

Gongsun Shiqi was even more disdainful in her heart, pretending to be tolerant, "Of course it's fine, the princess can just play a song she likes!"

Then he added meaningfully, "What is the level of the piano, no matter what the music is, you can know it just by listening to it!"

This is also a metaphor for her, no matter how Xia Xuan changes, it is useless!

At this point, no one can stop the continuation of the matter. The people in the prince's party are very depressed, and some people's faces are even livid.

Everyone in the second prince's party smiled openly.

"Your princesses are really capable!" Some people even mocked the princelings.

"Hmph!" The princeling was very worried.

Yan Lingfeng stopped trying to stand up, and looked at Xia Xuan fixedly.

Different from others, he didn't think that Xia Xuan would do something embarrassing by slapping herself. Based on what he knew of her in the past two months, she had always been very smart in doing things.

Xia Xuan ignored the eyes of those people staring at her, the corners of her lips curled into a deeper arc, and she pressed the keys of the piano randomly as if playing a prank.

A burst of chaotic piano sounds came out, and the people present were not surprised, but thought it was right.

Someone in the Second Prince's Party couldn't help laughing.

The woman from the aristocratic family sneered, "Hehe, this is the piano that you think is superb..."

Before she could say the word "Art" at the end, her face changed, as if she was stuck.

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