Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 319 She Actually Refused

Everyone did not expect that Mr. Lore would invite the princess to join, which shows that her piano talent is not so good.

It was only then that everyone recalled what Xia Xuan said before. It turns out that she is so awesome, no wonder she would say that Gongsun Shiqi plays badly, and she is really qualified to say such things at her level.

Everyone thought that Xia Xuan would happily agree, but she smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lore, thank you for your invitation, but I'm not very interested!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present widened their eyes.

Did they hear correctly? Xia Xuan turned down Mr. Lore's invitation? This is so unreal!

Gongsun Shiqi was equally astonished, followed by a kind of crazy jealousy and discomfort.

She had submitted two applications to the Interstellar Music Association, but they were both rejected on the grounds that her piano skills still had a lot of room for improvement, which was actually to say that she was not qualified enough.

But now why Xia Xuan only played a piece of music and received an invitation from Mr. Lore himself.

The most important thing is that this woman refused. Although she didn't really slap her face, she felt a burning pain on her face.

Luoer was also very surprised, but he couldn't force it here, and said with some regret: "Okay, but I still hope you can think about it again!"

"I'll contact you next!" He thought for a while and added.

Xia Xuan didn't want to save his face either, "I'll think about it later!"

She is just a hobby for music, and she hasn't thought about developing it into a career.

Hearing that Luo Er was rejected by Xia Xuan and did not give up, Gongsun Shiqi's face turned pale, and her fingernails were embedded in her palms. She did not expect that she originally wanted to make Xia Xuan look ugly, but in the end it would be so reversed.

Not only did Xia Xuan win the show, but those words that belittled her turned into a label that would be attached to her in the future. She would also have a stain on her career as a piano master, so I hate it!

Not to mention Gongsun Shiqi did not expect this result, everyone present did not expect this result, including Prince Yan Lingfeng.

Yan Lingfeng only thought that based on his understanding of Xia Xuan, this woman would not do anything he was not sure about, but he really didn't expect that she would give him such a big surprise.

Originally, he had already thought about how to protect Xia Xuan, but now he didn't need it.

His cold eyes were looking at Xia Xuan a little more gently, what is divorce? Don't even think about it!

After Xia Xuan finished playing the tune, she picked up the wine glass that was placed on the piano before, turned around and returned to the previous position to sit down. Even if she just drank quietly, her aura was too strong to be ignored.

Luo Er didn't stay too long, and left the palace after greeting the familiar people.

The incident ended soon, and the princelings changed their previous gloom, and all of them were full of spirits and smiles, and they kept praising the princess.

The members of the Second Prince's Party felt as if they were constipated. They never thought that the Crown Princess would have such abilities, and they were developing towards an unexpected ending.

Xia Xuan leaned lazily on the sofa, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, her beautiful phoenix eyes could see all the expressions of the people present.

The reason why the woman from the aristocratic family dared to provoke her just now was not because she was not favored in the Xia family. Many people disliked her as a princess, so she was only reliable if she was strong.

Inadvertently looking at Yan Lingfeng who was not far away, her indifferent eyes quickly moved away. For some reason, she was still a little depressed.

Not only did Xia Xuan's performance at the banquet spread quickly, but the video of her playing the piano was also posted on the Internet, and the number of clicks and downloads soon exploded, and it was also sent to the trending searches!

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