That night Feng Yan tasted delicious cherry crisp and cherry cheese.

Xia Ruo thought that Jules was introduced by Feng Yi, and she also let her find out the whereabouts of her sister, so she asked Feng Yan to pack a copy and send it to his second brother.

Feng Yan had no choice but to make a video call to his second brother.

After Feng Yi left the farm, he was called back to the old house by the old man. As soon as he sat down, he saw his brother who had just separated called on the phone, and he was stunned for a while.

"San'er, what's the matter?" After answering the phone, Feng Yi appeared in the virtual projection.

Feng Yan looked at where he was sitting, "Are you in the old house?"

"Yes! What's wrong?" Feng Yi asked inexplicably.

Feng Yan waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll bring you something, it'll be there in a while, hang up first!"

His grandfather also likes to eat pastries. He hasn't visited the old man recently, so let's send them over to eat together.

"You want to go back to the old house?" Xia Ruo saw the two brothers calling.

Feng Yan nodded: "Yes! If the old man knows that I only give cakes to my second brother and not him, he will beat me!"

Xia Ruo took out two boxes of cherries from the freezer, "Take this back and give them a taste too!"

Feng Yan picked up the cherry with a smile, "It's still your thoughtfulness!"

"Then I'm leaving!" He raised his hand and patted Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo kicked his foot, "Go!"

When Feng Yan went to the old house and entered the living room, he saw not only the old man and his second brother, but also several old men sitting and drinking tea.

The old man looked at Feng Yi preaching with a beard and staring eyes, as if he still had the urge to smoke people from time to time.

"Grandpa, why did my second brother mess with you?" He carried his things over.

"This prodigal son gave away a set of blue and white porcelain from my collection. I'm so mad!"

The old man was stunned after speaking, and looked at Feng Yan, "Why are you back?"

Shouldn't you be in school at this time?

"Today, a cherry tree in Xia Ruo's farm is ripe, and she has picked a lot of fruit. She also ordered cherry crisps and cherry cheese. Let me give you and my second brother some to try." Feng Yan sat down and said.

Hearing what he said, Old Man Feng's dark face softened a lot, "It's better to be Xiaoruo, not like you bad-hearted brats!"

"Bring it here and let me taste it!" He then stretched out his hand to Feng Yan.

Feng Yan took out the box containing cherries and pastries and opened it, grabbed two pieces of cherry crisps, "The pastries are delicious!"

He backhanded a piece to his second brother who was being trained.

Feng Yi's heart warmed when San'er and Xiao Ruo could always think of themselves.

Just reached out to pick it up, but the old man took a step faster and snatched the cherry cake away, "This prodigal thing is not qualified to eat, hum!"

That was a set of blue and white porcelain suits that he liked very much, and it was only collected by chance at the beginning, but now that this prodigal son gave it away, he couldn't let it go.

Feng Yi smiled embarrassingly: "I wasn't just doing it for my own company's business. At that time, I thought that it would be worthwhile as long as I got the right to buy Yinsencao."

Xia Ruo also has blue and white porcelain over there, but it is difficult for him to ask her for it. She has already helped him a lot.

So he brought his idea to his old man and went out with a set of blue and white porcelain.

The old man glared at him. If it wasn't for the future of the empire, he would definitely beat the brat up.

Feng Yan took a bite of the cherry cake, he liked the taste very much, and said to the old man: "I thought what was going on, it was blue and white porcelain, I just make a new set for you, and the storage is better than the one my second brother gave away. !"

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