Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 327 Can't Procrastinate Any Longer

Xia Ruo had a rough idea of ​​what to cook, so she asked Fei Yu to pick it.

She picked up a pen and paper and sketched the appearance of the blue and white porcelain to be made.

After finalizing the draft, Fu Yibin came to the villa with a basket of vegetables and meat.

Xia Ruo smiled and asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"

Otherwise, it should be Fei Yu who brought the food.

Fu Yibin put down the basket, "Boss, the supermarket is very popular now. Every night, as soon as the ingredients are put on the shelves, they will be sold out within two hours. This is because of the purchase restrictions, especially the tofu. You can’t increase the amount every day!”

For other dishes, he can decide by himself based on the quantity of the farm. Tofu, which is a unique feature of the supermarket, is really hard for him to make a decision.

Xia Ruo didn't care much, "If it can be done, then sell more every day, and let as many people eat as possible!"

She planted a lot of soybeans before, more than enough to make tofu.

Fu Yibin smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

"By the way, is the private restaurant open this week?" He remembered that Xia Ruo said that in the future, it would open one day a week.

Xia Ruo thought for a while, "You wait for me to ask before I tell you!"

"Feng Rogue!" she yelled.

Feng Yan came down from upstairs, "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you let Grandpa Feng ask your old friends to go to the private restaurant for dinner tomorrow? Brother Feng and Second Brother Feng can also call their friends over. I'm going to open the restaurant as a treat." Xia Ruo felt that the private restaurant couldn't wait any longer.

Moreover, she plans to sell tea and other high-priced items directly in private restaurants in the future, so that people will not often come to her to buy them alone. It is also convenient for everyone, and there will be another wave of free advertisements.

Feng Yan laughed out loud, "This is good!"

"I just received a call from the second brother. He will come with the eldest brother and ask them at night."

He dialed the terminal and said, "I'll ask Grandpa again!"

"it is good!"

Soon Feng Yan got in touch with the old man. Hearing what his grandson said, he agreed without hesitation, and asked how many people he could call.

Xia Ruo promised to give the old man two private rooms, and each private room can seat ten people, which means twenty people.

After hanging up the phone, the old man cheerfully went to invite old friends.

Confirming that it will open tomorrow, Xia Ruo said to Fu Yibin: "You should make arrangements in advance, and tomorrow half of the chefs in the cafeteria will be transferred to help. I can't do it alone."

"I'll write you a list of ingredients later, and it will be ready tomorrow morning!"

"By the way, you can pack some green tea, black tea and coffee, and sell them in private restaurants."

Fu Yibin wrote it down, "Okay, I got it!"

"It's a bit heavy for you to manage the farm and the supermarket and private restaurant, can you bear it?" Xia Ruo asked with a smile.

Fu Yibin chuckled: "This amount of tasks is nothing, and since Mr. Xie came to the farm, I have been much more relaxed."

The old man couldn't stay idle at all, not only would he follow along with the work, but he would also help arrange and supervise. Those big soldiers on the farm were easy to manage now.

If it wasn't for the supermarkets and private restaurants that needed his arrangements, he would have almost become an idler.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Since that's the case, then you should just take care of it from now on. I have other arrangements when Ji Feng comes back!"

"Okay!" Fu Yibin also likes to do more things.

After he left, Xia Ruo went into the kitchen with the vegetable basket, and she ran to the kitchen to help wash the vegetables without her calling Feng Yan.

He really likes the time spent alone in the kitchen with Xia Ruo, he washes the vegetables and she cooks, there is always an indescribable warmth and satisfaction.

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