Jules saw the news about the night club before, and thought that the prince had no feelings for the princess, and the two might not have a long time together.

But looking at the appearance of the prince now, he clearly cared about the princess, otherwise, with the prince's cold temper, it would be impossible for him to ask him to buy cherries.

"Yes, I will contact her and try to send cherries every week."

He paused and said with a smile: "The quality of the ingredients on their farm is very good, and I even signed an order contract with them."

"When the ingredients arrive, I'll send a batch over first. If the crown prince and princess think it suits their appetite, I'll have someone deliver it regularly in the future."

Although he is a senior member of the Great Chamber of Commerce and is also on the prince's ship, it is usually difficult to get in touch with the prince, so he should seize the opportunity more often.

Yan Lingfeng nodded, "Okay, you can bring it over and try it. If the princess likes to eat it, I will order it from the Federation in the future!"

After being married for more than three months, there was not much interaction in the first month. In the next two months, he and Xia Xuan are already familiar with each other. She knows that she is very picky about food, and she dislikes the highest-grade ingredients in the empire.

I hope that the federal ingredients that Jules mentioned will satisfy her this time.

Xia Xuan looked up at Jules casually and asked: "The ingredients in this farm are really good. To be able to run such a farm, the people should be pretty good, right?"

Seeing that the princess was interested, Jules replied with a smile: "The owner of this farm is a girl. She not only manages the farm very well, but is also a very powerful ancient doctor."

Then he recounted how he was treated for his illness, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that there is such an incredible cure in this world."

Xia Xuan's interest was completely mobilized, "I have read a lot of materials from the Federation, and indeed found that they have ancient doctors. I didn't expect it to be so miraculous."

"It's a little girl who created this magic. I'm very curious and interested in her. Give me her terminal number, and I'll chat with her!"

Jules was taken aback, a little surprised that the princess would ask for Xia Ruo's terminal number.

He didn't answer immediately, but glanced at the prince unconsciously, seeing Yan Lingfeng nod his head slightly, and then sent Xia Ruo's terminal number.

"This is her terminal number, her name is Xia Ruo!"

Xia Xuan fiddled with the terminal casually, "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"The princess is being polite!" Jules said flattered.

Yan Lingfeng waved his hand at him, "It's okay, you go back first, I have seen the project that your family applied for before, it's okay, you can talk to my assistant tomorrow."

Jules was overjoyed, this time he really made the right bet, the prince seemed to pay more attention to the princess than normal, and the news outside was completely nonsense.

It seems that in order to make the prince happy in the future, it is right to cater more to the princess.

"Yes, thank you, Prince!" He stood up and saluted again, "I'm leaving now!"

After Jules left, Yan Lingfeng approached Xia Xuan and asked with a smile, "Shall I try one?"

He and Xia Xuan had been in a cold war for a few days since the news about the night club door came out, and he wanted to break the deadlock.

Xia Xuan covered the leftover cherries, pushed his leaning body away, and said coldly, "Get out!"

Yan Lingfeng took a deep breath and suppressed the irritability that was born, "I said that I had nothing to do with her that night, what are you going to do?"

Xia Xuan stood up, exuding a queenly air all over her body, "Divorce!"

My sister will not start a book alone or write a special episode. After all, the plot must follow, so her story will be interspersed in the full text~~Continue at 13:30~~

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