Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 332 Don't even think about it!

Yan Lingfeng didn't expect Xia Xuan to ask for divorce again, his face was dark and heavy.

Approaching Xia Xuan again, he gritted his teeth and said, "Divorce? Don't even think about it!"

After flirting with himself, he wants to run away when his heart is moved? no way!

Xia Xuan didn't bother to talk to him, "Whether to divorce or not is my business, don't think that you can restrict my freedom just because you are a prince!"

After she finished speaking, she put the cherries back in her pocket and was about to go upstairs.

Yan Lingfeng grabbed her arm, "Xia Xuan, when I opened the door that night, it wasn't because I had an affair with her or had an affair with her, I just wanted to make it clear to her!"

Xia Xuan turned her head and raised her eyebrows slightly, "Can you tell me clearly that you can't be outside the door?"

"Yan Lingfeng, I will give you one last chance to explain why you opened the door to let her in."

Her phoenix eyes were full of sternness, "I don't believe that you are a fool, you would not find out that the person who took the sneak shot existed, and you would let the news spread! Didn't you deliberately let her get her way, and then wanted to hug her left and right?"

After more than a month of getting along, she also had a deep understanding of Yan Lingfeng. This man acted vigorously, aggressively and arrogantly, and he had no shortage of mental means.

Even though due to excessive overdraft, phantom beasts are irritable and crazy, mental damage is serious, the situation is getting more and more difficult, there are more and more betrayers, and it is even possible that he may not be able to keep the crown prince, but he is still calm and wise, as if Everything is under his control.

Would such a person not know that someone was secretly filming? Or will it be impossible to suppress the news afterwards?

Knowing that there is a problem, she still opens the door to let people in, let the sneak cameraman succeed, and let the news continue to expand and escalate. This is what makes her most angry and thorny in her heart.

Yan Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, obviously a little surprised that Xia Xuan came out fully.

He pulled her into his arms and laughed lowly: "As expected of the woman I fancy, she is so smart!"

Xia Xuan was in his arms, looking up at him lightly, "Then what?"

"Sorry, some things can't be explained now, I will tell you in the future!"

Yan Lingfeng looked apologetic, and tightened his arms around Xia Xuan, "But I can tell you for sure, there is really nothing between me and Gongsun Shiqi! I don't even have any intention of hugging left and right, I have no interest in her." .”

If he really liked Gongsun Shiqi, how could he allow her to withdraw the engagement, and even pushed her away.

Xia Xuan actually believed in Yan Lingfeng on this point. If a person loves another person deeply, he will not be so indifferent.

But this kind of explanation didn't make her feel relieved. After all, Yan Lingfeng still didn't believe her, so he chose to hide it and ignored her feelings.

She smiled like a flower, and hooked her fingers at Yan Lingfeng.

Xia Xuan used to tease Yan Lingfeng like this before. He thought she was not angry anymore, so he leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Shall I go back to the master bedroom to rest tonight?"

After the night club news came out, he was kicked out of the master bedroom.

Xia Xuan pursed her lips, and suddenly there was a look of coldness in her eyes. She hugged Yan Lingfeng's neck with both hands, raised her legs and bent, and directly pressed heavily on his important parts.

"Hiss!" Yan Lingfeng's legs tightened in pain, he really didn't expect this woman to be so cruel.

Just when she was about to speak, Xia Xuan let go of his neck, pushed him away heavily, and looked at him arrogantly and coldly.

"Yan Lingfeng, the opportunity has already been given to you. If you don't cherish it, there is no medicine for regret!"

"I still want to go back to the master bedroom to rest, let's have your big spring and autumn dream!" Xia Xuan turned around and went upstairs after speaking.

Yan Lingfeng frowned, his concubine's temper was really unusual.

Betrayed, he can no longer trust a person wholeheartedly.

He sighed helplessly, and didn't follow him upstairs, nor did he try to coax anyone.

It's the first time that he has been so patient and lowered his head to coax others in such a grown up, and she still wants to make a fuss, so let's calm down first.

After that, he also regretted today's decision...

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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