Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 343 Xiaoxia is really powerful

Xia Ruo explained a few words to the other chefs, asking them how to deal with the next dishes, and then went downstairs with Feng Yan.

The apron on her body has been taken off, and Xia Ruo is wearing a light green dress, which looks elegant and fresh. With no makeup on, it has a natural beauty and beauty, and its temperament is outstanding.

Old Master Feng and Old Master Xie said in unison, "Xiao Xia/Xiao Ruoruo, come!"

Then the two old men looked at each other, then raised their eyebrows, with a faint smell of gunpowder.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo immediately walked over with a smile, "Grandpa Feng, thank you, Grandpa!"

Then he greeted old masters Zhai and Lu who were familiar and met, "Grandpa Zhai, grandpa Lu!"

Everyone else who didn't know each other greeted in unison, "Hello, seniors!"

Mr. Lu smiled and said: "Xiao Xia, I called you down mainly to invite you to draw a picture for us old fellows to see. I wonder what you would like?"

Although they wanted to see it with their own eyes, if Xia Ruo didn't want to, they couldn't force it, so they asked for her opinion first!

Xia Ruo nodded with a smile on her face: "Since all seniors want to see it, then I will make a fool of myself!"

There happened to be a long table in the hall, and she had someone move it over. There were paper, pens and inkstones in the space, and she took it out and spread it out.

Time is limited, Xia Ruo is going to draw a picture of a lotus flower, she has already constructed the picture she wants to draw in her mind, and draws it without stopping.

The old men surrounded him curiously, watching each one intently.

Zhai Hao and the others were completely squeezed in the back. They also wanted to watch, but they didn't dare to squeeze with the old men. They craned their necks one by one to watch from behind.

Xia Ruo is very devoted when doing things, and the whole person is completely immersed in the painting, which makes people feel her concentration and seriousness.

Many old men nodded slightly, liking her focused attitude very much.

Soon, an ink painting of a lotus flower appeared on the paper, and all the old men were amazed.

"Okay, this lotus picture is like a painting, very masterful!"

"The drawing is really good, and the speed is also very fast!"

If it were them to draw such a picture of a lotus flower, it would take at least several times the time to complete, and it still can't be drawn so well.

"Xiao Xia's drawing skills are really outstanding. She can draw at the level of a master at such a young age. What a genius!"

"Amazing, Xiao Xia is really amazing!"

Praises came out of the mouths of the old men, making the younger generation standing behind feel unreal.

Is this still their grandpa? Why haven't I seen them boasting so much before?

All kinds of dislikes towards them, when Xia Ruo came here, they just praised him for free, and they all felt sour when they heard it...

But it is undeniable that although they don't study ancient ink paintings, they can tell that Xia Ruo's paintings are really good.

Mr. Feng is now completely sure that his grandson used Xia Ruo's paintings to trick him before, that brat deserves a beating!

He didn't think it had anything to do with Xia Ruo at all, it must have been caused by his own brat, he deserved a beating!

He likes the paintings and calligraphy of the ancient earth period very much. Looking at the lotus flowers painted by Xia Ruo, the more he looks at them, the more he likes them, and he likes her more and more.

It would be great if Xia Ruo is his granddaughter-in-law, they can often communicate and study calligraphy and painting, how wonderful!

Secretly thinking in his heart, if the brat doesn't marry Xia Ruo home, if he dares to hook up with other girls outside, he will break his legs.

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