Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 345 Who doesn't know who!

Mr. Zhai got Xia Ruo's consent, and the smile on his face became even happier!

Di Hao squeezed in at this moment, smiled flatteringly and said, "Grandpa, let me put it away for you!"

Save other old men from staring at the painting like wolves.

Mr. Zhai slapped him away, "I'll collect it myself, what if you broke it carelessly?"

"..." Di Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, he was actually rejected by his grandfather again.

Mr. Zhai carefully rolled up the painting that was almost done, and then handed it over to the secretary who came with him for safekeeping. This person is more reliable than his grandson.

Seeing that the painting was put away, the other old men were ready to move, but they couldn't tell if they wanted Xia Ruo to draw another one for them.

Mr. Xie has some regrets, he also likes Xia Ruo's paintings very much.

But after thinking about it, he smiled slightly, he lives in Xia Ruo's farm, and he will have a lot of opportunities to discuss painting skills with her in the future, so maybe he can get a pair.

It's a good thing to get the moon first if you are close to the water.

Old Man Feng blew on his beard, and glanced coldly at Old Man Zhai.

This old guy is really shameless, actually took his future granddaughter-in-law's painting, hum!

The old man has recently known what his little grandson thinks about Xia Ruo, so he took the initiative to classify Xia Ruo as his grandson-in-law.

According to his usual temperament, he should ask Xia Ruo to share his painting skills, and then ask her to draw another one.

But he also found out that the other old men here were all eyeing who would show up first, they were easy to follow suit, and he didn't want his granddaughter-in-law to be tired, so he held back.

Feng Yan was raised by the old man and the old lady, and he roughly guessed the reason when he saw his grandfather's unhappy expression.

So he smiled and asked Xia Ruo: "Didn't you want to give my grandpa something? Did you bring it?"

The old man of his family has a lot of good things, and his men are full of elite soldiers, and many rare things can be obtained. He needs to let Xia Xia have enough presence in front of the old man.

As long as the old man is satisfied and happy, he will benefit a lot.

When Old Man Feng heard Feng Yan's words, his complexion instantly turned cloudy. It's because his grandson is reliable and filial, so he won't beat up the brat at night.

The old man doesn't know what his precious grandson's plan is, otherwise he will definitely be pissed off. This is a guy who specially cheats grandpa for the sake of his sweetheart!

When the people present heard what he said, Qi Qi looked at Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo took a look at Feng Yan, and saw him give him a sneaky look.

She knows that these old men usually have a good face, and they especially show it off. Feng Rogue wants her to show off to old man Feng.

Xia Ruo is also willing to make face for old man Feng, anyway, her good calligraphy has been exposed, and she doesn't care about making blue and white porcelain more than one.

These are the treasures of Chinese culture that have been passed on for thousands of years. It is a pity to cut off the inheritance like this. She hopes to carry it forward.

She took out the wooden box she had prepared earlier from the space, and handed it to Old Man Feng with a smile, "Grandpa Feng, I was going to send you off when I was going to visit Feng's family, but now I will send it to you in advance, I hope you like it!"

Old Man Feng took the wooden box with a smile on his face, "Xiao Xia, you are just being polite, and you always send good things every time you visit, I am too embarrassed to accept it!"

All the old men present wanted to roll their eyes, complaining to themselves, what else do you not like?

Who doesn't know who! This dead old man is deliberately showing off in front of his face, Xia Ruo gives him good things every time he goes, it seems to give him a good beating...

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