Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 348: The Timing Is Great

Of course, Mr. Feng would not say that he was tricked by his grandson. To show off, he was directly sent by his grandson and Xia Ruo, so he would have more face.

Sure enough, I received another wave of envy and hatred from the old men!

How could old man Feng be so lucky? It's so irritating!

Immediately, another wave of resentment and disgust directed at his own children and grandchildren, making the younger generation who followed wished they could arrest Feng Yan and beat him up right now.

Old Man Feng still felt that the fire was not enough, "Not only the painting, you can also come to my house to appreciate this set of blue and white porcelain tomorrow, I will display it tomorrow, and let you drink some honey water and tea this time!"

"..." The old men feel their hands are itchy and want to beat someone up!

Mr. Xie couldn't get used to Mr. Feng's smug showing off, so he snorted and led the invited old friends into the nearest private room.

When Old Man Feng saw his appearance, the smile on his face deepened, "This old man is just envious and jealous, but it's useless!"

Seeing Mr. Xie who had already reached the door of the private room stopped, Feng Yi immediately stepped forward to support his old man, "Grandpa, let's quickly enter the private room!"

If he continues to show off like this, his grandfather will really become the public enemy of the old men.

Old Man Feng nodded, and led his old friends into a private room in the direction Feng Yi pointed.

Feng Yan and the others also led their friends into the private room.

Feng Yan, who was about to slip away, was pulled back by Feng Yi, and asked in a low voice: "Did you really give the old man a painting?"

Feng Yan replied in a low voice: "It's a gift, but it's not what he said."

Then he told how he cheated on his grandfather.

Feng Yi had black lines all over his face, and then laughed: "Well, the old man can still play!"

"If you have a chance, go and ask for a painting for your brother, I like orchids!" Feng Yi laughed.

Feng Yan rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Xia Ruo doesn't have so much time to draw for you guys, how tired you are!"

Feng Yi raised his hand and patted his head, "You brat!"

He just said that casually, and this kid immediately took care of him. He really forgot his brother when he had a wife.

"President Feng, are we going to sit in this private room?" A senior executive of a pharmaceutical company and a few people stood at the door of a private room and asked.

Feng Yi patted Feng Yan, "I'll go greet the guests first!"

"Well, second brother, you go!" Feng Yan also recognized that these people were high-level executives of major pharmaceutical companies, and they must have made some negotiations during the meal, and his second brother could handle it.

He turned around and led the invited friend towards another private room, slightly curling his lips.

Today's timing is really good, let the senior executives of these pharmaceutical companies see that his family Xia Xia has a good relationship with several old men, so they have to restrain him if they want to make any ideas.

Immediately, his smiling peach blossom eyes showed a trace of ruthlessness, otherwise, if anyone dares to have bad ideas against his Xia Xia, don't blame him for being cruel.

When Xia Ruo went to the kitchen, the dishes were almost ready, so she told the waiter to serve them.

Soon, trays of delicious dishes were served on the table.

Everyone who was still chatting in the private room was instantly attracted by the aroma. After one person started, everyone picked up chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

Then it became a battle, each person took a few pieces of a dish, and it was gone before they had enough, and then the battlefield became the next dish.

In Feng Yi's private room, the top executives of the major pharmaceutical companies originally wanted to use the meal to discuss the matter of Yinsencao.

Who knew that the dishes served were so delicious, let them hold up their chopsticks and join in the battle for elegance, temporarily forgetting about the cooperation, wishing to bring the plate of their favorite dishes in front of them to eat!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~ It may be released on the 11th, and there will be a burst of updates at that time, and there will not be only four updates after it is released. ~

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