Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 356 Bad Premonition

Xia Ruo knew that this housekeeper belonged to Mr. Xia.

"I'll come back to see grandma!"

The housekeeper's expression changed slightly, but it disappeared in a flash, "The old lady went out to drink tea with her friends, and she might not come back until evening. Miss San, do you want to come back another day?"

Xia Ruo is a chaotic soul, and her perception is many times that of ordinary people. She caught the butler's flickering and slightly changing expression.

She frowned slightly, "What? I left Xia's house, and I can't even see grandma? Don't forget, my grandma is still the mistress of Xia's house."

"How dare I stop Miss San from seeing Madam, but Madam did go out to drink tea, today is a little unlucky!" the housekeeper said apologetically.

Xia Ruo narrowed her eyes, "Then I'll wait for her to come back!"

She couldn't get through to her grandma before. Seeing the housekeeper like this, she had a bad feeling.

The housekeeper was a little anxious, which showed that she insisted and did not dare to stop her, otherwise she would definitely become suspicious.

"Okay, then please go to the living room or your building and wait for Madam."

Xia Ruo nodded, "I'll go back to the room first, and pack up the things I didn't take before."

The housekeeper heaved a sigh of relief when she heard her say that, "Okay, Third Miss, please do as you please!"

Xia Ruo didn't say anything, and walked towards the building belonging to the second bedroom.

There were two servants sitting and chatting inside, but Xu Ying was not there.

Seeing that Xia Ruo came back, the two servants were astonished and stood up indifferently, "Miss San, why are you back?"

Xia Ruo glanced at them coldly, "I still need to report to you when I come back?"

The two smiled embarrassingly, "Don't dare!"

Xia Ruo ignored them and went straight upstairs.

"Tch, I thought it was the Xia family's young lady, who is she showing her face to?"

"That's right, but the look she gave just now was very imposing, she really has changed a lot!"

"It's a waste to change any more. It's a fool to voluntarily leave the Xia family and even give up the identity of Miss."

The two servants started whispering, they all thought Xia Ruo was stupid.

After entering her room, Xia Ruo took out a pen and a piece of talisman paper and spent them.

In terms of cultivation skills, she is better at puppet beasts and alchemy, her brother is better at formations and refining weapons, and her sister is better at controlling beasts and making talismans.

The three brothers and sisters are often together, and they are more or less good at arts that are not very good at.

Now that she has reached the third level of qi refining, it is not very difficult to draw a talisman, and soon a talisman that restrains qi and can affect the magnetic field is drawn.

Xia Ruo stuck to her body, then opened the window of the room and jumped off.

Dodging the guards of the Xia family's house, using the attributes of the talisman to interfere with the monitoring, she sneaked into the main building, which is the building where the old man of the Xia family and her grandmother lived.

Feeling all the way upstairs, she went to her grandma's room first, and found that the door was locked, and no one answered when she knocked.

Xia Ruo used spiritual power to attach to it, simulating the fingerprints left on it.

Then he used mental power to condense into fingerprints and successfully opened the door.

After entering, she found that her grandma was not in the room, and then she looked around, and found that the room was a bit messy, with signs of a fight.

Thinking that two days ago, when she contacted her grandma, the other party told her not to contact her recently, nor to go home, her heart tightened.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Ruo settled down to look for clues in the room.

Finally, a crumpled ball of paper was found in the trash can with the words "underground secret room" written on it.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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