The housekeeper's words made Xia Ruo's eyes even colder, old man Xia is really nothing.

After the verification was successful, the metal gate slowly opened, and there were monitors around, but it had stagnated under the influence of Xia Ruo's talisman.

Inside the metal gate was a long underground staircase, lit all around.

At the end, there is another door, and the housekeeper continues to verify and open it.

Soon a relatively large room appeared in front of me, with a bed, a desk and some antique ornaments in it, which seemed to be used by the old man to collect things.

At this time, there was only one person lying on the bed, and there was no response when someone came in.

Xia Ruo walked over quickly, and pulled the person who was carrying her over to have a look, it was indeed her grandma.

"What's wrong with my grandma?" Xia Ruo asked the steward while feeling grandma's pulse.

"Madam is very emotional. The old man was afraid that she would destroy the things in his collection or lose control, so he asked me to inject her with a tranquilizer!" the housekeeper said with a wooden face.

Xia Ruo took a deep breath, resisting the urge to maim the housekeeper, "When did you lock up my grandma?"

"Yesterday afternoon, the old madam seemed to be in contact with someone and wanted to expose the Xia family. The master locked her up and went to deal with the master." The housekeeper told everything he knew.

This is the same as Xia Ruo's pulse. Two doses of tranquilizers won't affect much, but frequent injections will affect the nervous system, causing people to become dull, and even dementia.

Old man Xia is really vicious, grandma is his wife!

She took out a gold needle and pricked grandma a few times, and took out a small blue fruit, squeezed out the juice inside and dripped it into her mouth.

A few minutes later, the unconscious Fei Shufen slowly opened her eyes.

When he saw Xia Ruo, he was still stunned, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he might be dazzled.

Seeing that Xia Ruo was still sitting, she regained consciousness, "Ruo Ruo, why are you here?"

Xia Ruo's eyes were gentle, "Grandma, I came to see you today and found that the housekeeper's expression was wrong, and then I found paper in the trash can in your room, so I asked the housekeeper to take me to this underground secret room!"

Fei Shufen was stunned, "Why did he bring you here?"

"He was hypnotized by me!" Xia Ruo said truthfully.

Only then did Fei Shufen look up, and saw the butler standing there with a dull expression, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She grabbed Xia Ruo's hand, her eyes were full of love and worry, "I'm fine, that dead old man doesn't dare to do anything to me, you should leave quickly, if they come back and find you, you will be in trouble!"

"Grandma, you come with me!" Xia Ruo held her hand back.

Fei Shufen sighed, "I can't leave, if I leave, they will definitely think of you."

"Grandma, are you afraid that they will persecute me?" Xia Ruo felt soft in her heart.

These days, Xia Ruo has been in contact with grandma every few days, wanting to visit her or take her to the farm, but she disagrees, it seems that she is still worried about her safety.

Fei Shufen patted Xia Ruo's head, "There is a force behind the Xia family, it is very mysterious and powerful, I cannot let you risk it!"

"So you just investigate quietly by yourself? If you are in danger, I, my aunt and uncle will be very sad, and I can't even accept it." Xia Ruo also sighed.

Fei Shufen smiled: "I'm quite old, and life and death have long been underestimated, but you are different!"

Xia Ruo pulled her to stand up, "It's nothing different, grandma, come with me now!"

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