Xia Ruo took a sip of coffee with a relaxed look.

"I have the formula for improving the physique left by my mother in my hand. I have studied it and can improve it more perfectly and overcome the side effects and disadvantages of taking it. The effect is twice as good as before, and the cost of raw materials has only increased by about ten. About one-tenth."

Lu Yunfeng, who was originally casual, sat up straight, "Do you want to cooperate with me to produce this medicine?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes, I have this intention!"

Lu Yunfeng laughed out loud: "I'm very interested, tell me about your conditions!"

Xia Ruo said bluntly; "I have two conditions. First, I need 2% of the profit of the potion. It is best to turn it into a herb. Energy stones are also fine."

"Second, completely bankrupt Xia's pharmaceutical company!"

Lu Yunfeng pondered for a moment, "These two conditions are not a big problem, but you must ensure that the medicine formula you give me has the effect you said, and that it cannot be leaked to other pharmaceutical companies or individuals. We have to sign a contract."

"Of course, I am the only one who knows the formula of this improved version of the medicine, and I promise not to spread it to the outside world, but if someone from your pharmaceutical company spreads it, then it has nothing to do with me, it has to be written into the contract. "

Xia Ruo paused and said: "I have another request. I am the one who does not disclose the research on the medicine for the time being. I will choose when it will be made public in the future."

She is still a mental waste. If it is announced, it will definitely be targeted by many people, including the other two countries and the Starry Sky Beast Alliance.

Lu Yunfeng understood Xia Ruo's request better, and looked at her with a half-smile and asked, "Feng Yi Pharmaceutical Company's short-term mental recovery potion and the toothpaste that is being produced to be put on the market are also the formulas you gave him, right? "

He felt strange, Feng Yi Company didn't add any powerful pharmacists, how could there be so many new breakthroughs and actions in succession.

Now think about the time when Xia Ruo and the Feng family started contacting, this is just right.

Xia Ruo knew that once others knew that this potion was improved by her, they would definitely think of the potion and ointment released by Feng Yi Company, which is why she chose not to reveal it for the time being.

"It's good that Mr. Lu knows, but I hope you can help keep it a secret first!"

Lu Yunfeng smiled and said, "Since we are a cooperative relationship, I will naturally keep this secret for you."

"If there is such cooperation in the future, you can come to me anyway."

He found that Xia Ruo was really a genius in medical skills and medicine, and he was worthy of being the inheritor from the ancient medical family, but it was a pity that the Feng family discovered this treasure first.

He also admired Xia Ruo's mother back then, but it was a pity that the other party went to Xia's pharmaceutical company because of Xia Zhan, but it didn't end well in the end.

Xia Ruo nodded: "No problem!"

"Then wish us a happy cooperation!" Lu Yunfeng stretched out his hand.

Xia Ruo reached out and shook his hand, "I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Lu Yunfeng asked: "When do you have time? We signed the contract."

"I have to go to class during the day, and I have time in the evening. You can arrange a lawyer here to contact me." Xia Ruo replied.

Lu Yunfeng thought for a while, "Wait for me to call and ask."

"it is good!"

Lu Yunfeng stood up and called the lawyer, who happened to be free tonight.

He asked Xia Ruo, "Can I do it tonight?"

"Okay, I will give you the formula after signing."

Xia Ruo also hopes to implement it as soon as possible, and then attack the Xia family as soon as possible.

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