Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 392 Successfully Single

Mr. Xia, who was in a coma, didn't know that his confidant housekeeper had thought of leaving, and wanted to leave. Could the betrayal be far behind?

And Xia Ruo, who made old man Xia mad, solved the divorce problem, and even scolded the dead old man to help grandma vent her anger, but she was in a very good mood.

She called her aunt and asked her to accompany the lawyer to find the scumbag old man tomorrow to help grandma with her divorce.

The lawyer has the documents signed by Fei Shufen in person, the fingerprint and pupil verification signatures and videos confirming her wishes, so she doesn't need to go there in person.

To avoid being pestered by Old Man Xia or being disgusted, it's better to be out of sight and out of mind.

Xia Qingning was a little surprised that Xia Ruo's efficiency was so high. Her lawyer friend had been talking to the old man all the time, but the old man just didn't let go. The niece has really grown up, and her abilities have become more and more outstanding!

For the old man Xia who has always favored boys over girls and favored mistresses and low breeds, she has never had much affection since she was a child.

In addition, being forced to break up with her lover and get married, her life's happiness was completely ruined, and she couldn't forgive the old man for treating her mother like this, and her hatred accumulated full.

In the past, she was concerned that her mother was still at Xia's house, but she endured it all the time. Tomorrow, she must vent her grievances over the years.

Old man Xia still doesn't know that he was stunned by his granddaughter today, and tomorrow there will be a not inferior daughter with a poisonous mouth waiting for him...

Xia Ruo didn't go the next day, but gave the evidence to Fei Yu and asked him to go with her aunt.

The divorce was very smooth that day, and the old man Xia also successfully obtained the evidence, but then he was so angry that Xia Qingning scolded him that he passed out again, and this time he went directly to the hospital.

Hearing Fei Yu's report, Xia Ruo smiled, and her aunt's combat effectiveness against the scumbag old man was indeed very strong.

That damn old man deserved it. After my aunt vented, she should feel much better.

Xia Ruo made a video call to her grandma after lunch.

Soon the video was connected, and Fei Shufen was wearing a tracksuit, picking freshly ripe cherries in a basket, and seemed to be in a better mood.

Xia Ruo could feel that, compared to before, grandma seemed to have broken free from some shackles, she was much more relaxed and cheerful, as if she was several years younger.

"Grandma, do you know?"

Fei Shufen nodded and said with a smile: "Understood, I didn't expect that after so many years, I would be able to regain my freedom and be single one day."

In the past, she was full of confusion about the future and had little passion for life.

Today, I heard my daughter call to say that she and the dead old man had successfully broken off the engagement. Looking at the electronic version of the divorce document sent by her daughter, she was inexplicably full of expectations and interest in the future and life.

After getting rid of the Xia family and the dead old man, she instantly felt a lot more relaxed, and had more motivation to live a good life.

Seeing grandma like this, Xia Ruo also heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her choice was correct.

"It's good to be free and single again!"

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Grandma, you are so beautiful, there must be a long list of men chasing you in the future, and it's time for you to show your charm."

Fei Shufen shot Xia Ruo a look, "Nonsense, how can I have such a great charm!"

She knew it was her granddaughter making fun of herself.

Just after getting divorced, she has no idea about finding a new partner. If she meets a suitable partner in the future, she can consider it. If she doesn't, she can live on her own.

"My grandma is the most attractive, don't doubt yourself, really!"

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