If Xia Ruo is in a good mood, Feng Yan's mood will also brighten up.

He scanned the ingredients Xia Ruo brought out in the kitchen, "Okay! Then I'll order it!"

"I want to eat braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, kung pao chicken, boiled pork slices, potato cakes, mapo tofu, fish-flavored eggplant, three delicacies soup, fried rice with eggs."

Braised pork is his exclusive and favorite, and he will not let go of every opportunity to order a meal.

When Xia Ruo heard what he ordered, she knew that it was based on the ingredients she brought out, but this guy was not polite, and used all of them.

She is in a good mood today and doesn't care about him, "Okay, I've made everything you ordered today, and you can bring them over later."

"Okay, I'll take a shower and bring them here!" Feng Yan nodded and muttered, "It's really cheap for them!"

When Shui Yini and Luo Ning heard that Xia Ruo was cooking, both of them looked surprised.

Recently, they are either taking nutrition supplements or eating in the school cafeteria. Their mouths are already numb, and what they miss most is the food made by Xia Ruo.

The two actively went downstairs to help wash the vegetables.

When Feng Yan and the others came over, they smelled a strong fragrance of vegetables.

Xi Yu swallowed, "It smells so good! This is the smell I miss and look forward to the most every day."

Then he turned his head to look at Feng Yan enviously, "Boss, if you can catch up with Xia Ruo, you will be so happy!"

Chasing after Xia Ruo is equivalent to having delicious food every day, not to mention how great it is!

It's a pity that Xia Ruo's boss has his eyes on the woman, otherwise he would definitely go after her immediately.

Feng Yan hooked his lips with a look of satisfaction, "Of course."

"But I like her not because she can cook food, but because of her whole person, do you understand?" He changed the subject.

Although it was true that he stayed on the farm for the food at the beginning, Xia Ruo attracted him more than the food.

Even if there is no delicious food, but only with her by his side, he will always have a quiet time and feel that his heart is full.

Xi Yu shook his head: "I don't really understand, but I can figure it out!"

Ming Rui looked at the kitchen, and asked Feng Yan, "Have you caught up with Xia Ruo?"

The smile on Feng Yan's face froze, "No!"

"I haven't started chasing it yet. I'm too familiar with it. I don't know how to speak or make a move." He said truthfully.

The main reason is that after breaking the current relationship, if Xia Ruo disagrees, what will he do?

Mingrui wants to support his forehead, but his brother's progress in chasing girls is really worryingly slow!

"Then when are you going to confess?" He asked again.

Feng Yan touched his nose, "Let's wait until the time comes."

Ming Rui shook his head and patted Feng Yan's shoulder, "Just wait slowly."

He felt that only if something happened in the future that would irritate Feng Yan, this guy wouldn't be so hesitant to worry about this and that.

He was inexplicably looking forward to that day!

The voices of the three of them were very low, and they had just entered the door, so none of the three in the kitchen heard them.

Feng Yan habitually voluntarily went into the kitchen to wash his hands to help, and Xi Yu and Ming Rui also went in to serve the dishes.

Every dish was as delicious as ever, and several people stopped eating until their stomachs were full.

The plates on the table were almost cleared.

"If I eat the meals Ruoruo cooks every day, I estimate that I will gain at least five catties in a month!" Shui Yini said with a smile, rubbing her stuffed belly.

Every time I can't help but eat more, it's a weight loss nemesis.

She then added, "But if I can eat it all at once, I'd rather gain weight!"

Before Xia Ruo could speak, Feng Yan said, "Just dream!"

He hasn't eaten Xia Xia's food every day!

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