Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 399 It's okay to be cowardly

In fact, Pan Deyue was also somewhat unexpected by Xia Ruo's straightforwardness and strength.

But he didn't feel disgusted, on the contrary, he thought it was very good. In fact, he himself didn't like the yes people too much.

He also knows what Sun Liangzhi's character is.

He must have been jealous of Xia Ruo in his heart, and then made provocative words first.

He didn't make the waiting list this time, otherwise he would never have let this superficial person go to the music exchange together.

He gave Sun Liangzhi a cold warning look, then looked at Xia Ruo with a smile and said, "Welcome Xiaoyou Xia to join us!"

"This Fengzhan will escort us to and from the Silver Dragon Empire. You know each other, so you can catch up on the past along the way!"

Pan Deyue also just received a notice from above this morning that several elites from the battle group would be sent to escort them back and forth to attend the exchange meeting.

This is something that has never happened before. After all, the security of this starship company is very good, and there has never been an accident, let alone interstellar pirates dare to hijack.

And after going to the Silver Dragon Empire, the other party will definitely send someone to protect them, and nothing will happen to them.

But even though they were puzzled, they still went to meet the elite sent to protect them early in the morning.

When he saw that the captain was the third young master of the Feng family, he was startled, and his doubts deepened.

Isn't it overkill to send this powerful and proud general to protect them?

Now seeing Feng Sanshao, who has always been domineering and cool, talking to Xia Ruo in a warm voice, he immediately mocked Sun Liangzhi, but he still couldn't see it.

The little overlord of the Feng family came here for Xia Ruo, he was here to escort his little girlfriend, they were just a cover.

These little guys can really play!

It has long been heard that the Feng family dotes on this young master, but now it seems that it is not a rumor. If there is no arrangement by the old man, it is impossible for Feng Xiaobawang to be assigned such a task.

After recognizing Feng Yan's identity, all the masters present guessed the reason why this young master came to escort them.

Sun Liangzhi was not stupid, so he naturally guessed that Feng Yan was targeting Xia Ruo, and couldn't help but tremble.

The act of wanting to fight Xia Ruo was canceled immediately, and he stopped standing, and went back to his original position to sit down, reducing the sense of presence.

As for what Feng Yan said just now that he looked like an idiot, he just pretended he didn't hear it, he really hated this evil star bully.

The reason why he dared to speak up to teach Xia Ruo before was that he was better than her, an abandoned daughter who left Xia's family, because of his family background.

But compared to the Feng family of the top wealthy family, he dare not provoke, let alone cause trouble. Losing face is better than harming the family.

Xia Ruo saw that Sun Liangzhi, who felt good about himself before and wanted to suppress him like a senior, was now cowering like a quail, and was suddenly speechless.

This guy is really cowardly, a typical bully.

Now that everyone is here, Xia Ruo doesn't bother to yell at him anymore. For such a cowardly idiot, he can beat him up directly in the future, so as not to waste his saliva.

The others were also quite speechless towards Sun Liangzhi, and couldn't help feeling a kind of contempt in their hearts. This person's character is really bad.

At the beginning, he wanted to bully Xia Ruo, because he didn't have much background, but when he saw Feng Shao, he was immediately scared, it's too shameful!

In fact, they are members of the same guild, and most of them don't like Sun Liangzhi very much. This person has always been more utilitarian, which is very different from their pure pursuit of music.

Seeing this guy being beaten up by Xia Ruo and not daring to reply after being scolded by Young Master Feng, they wanted to laugh.

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